"I will kill Wilbur Soot, and I will do it right in front of your face!"

--------------From "Chapter Twenty-Three" tubbo cafeteria

Tubbo was humming quietly to himself as he rearranged his salad into the form of a bee, with little antennas and eyes and everything. I hadn't taken him for an artist, but the only way I could describe the bee was as the work of someone who had taken time to study one and replicate it perfectly.

He had been a bee a couple times before. It made sense.

"Buzz," I said, just to see if I could get a reaction out of him.

Tommy slapped my arm. "What are you doing?"

"Tubbo was a bee once," I whispered to him. "Do you think...?"

The boy considered me for a second, then quietly whispered, "Buzz."

"You guys are idiots," Tubbo said lightly. "Shut up and eat your food before I turn into a gorilla and force it down your throats."

For some reason, Tommy perked up. "You can go gorilla-mode?" he asked hopefully.

Tubbo squinted at him suspiciously. "If you ask me to pummel someone, I will pummel you."

Tommy deflated again, hunching over his lunch and poking at it half-heartedly with his fork. Tubbo's salad was a masterpiece. Tommy's resembled a pile of leaves --- which, if I was being honest, was what a salad was supposed to look like.

"So how come you guys get cool powers?" he asked suddenly, his fork still shuffling away.

I shrugged. 

--------------Extra, written for prompt "ghost"

It was hard not to stare at the spirit next to him.

I was sure that Skeppy didn't even notice, but I sure did. I mean, imagine not staring at a semi-transparent figure hovering next to someone, following them through their everyday lives like a phantom stalker. Which was pretty accurate, if you thought about it.

I sure thought about it. As I glanced over at the spirit, who was busy cleaning his spirit glasses, I couldn't help but wonder why he'd go through the trouble to stay with Skeppy, even after death.

Skeppy had mentioned him before. The great bounty hunter who had saved their city from ruin, losing his life in the process. It was part of the reason why he disliked our plan to catch Smiley; he had watched his closest friend die in the exact same situation, rushing into a plan with no hopes of rushing out again.

The spirit looked up and caught my eye. Immediately, I looked down, feeling somewhat guilty for gawking at him.

"What's wrong, Techno?" Skeppy asked, noticing my weird behavior.

I shrugged as nonchalantly as I could. "Oh, you know, just the usual. A couple near death experiences, the want to punch something really hard, the fact that my friend has a ghost floating beside him."

Skeppy laughed. "You are so strange."

"Uh... am I supposed to thank you for that?"

He simply shook his head and grinned. "So strange," he repeated with more vigor.

The spirit next to him smiled at me as well. Checkered bandanna, clunky faded black jacket and matching pants, soft, swooping hair that must've been brown. I recognized him. Of course I did. I saw his photo tucked away in Skeppy's jacket every day.

Phil said that spirits came back to haunt the living out of spite or anger. You'd see the ghosts of tyrants the most, dictator leaders that longed for their old power again. But as I turned my attention away from the spirit again, I knew that Bad had come back to follow his friend out of sincere care.

Sometimes, death served as a way to express that care.



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this george one was a very early drawing xD

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this george one was a very early drawing xD

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