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--------------From "Chapter Five" philza comparing bandana guy to techno

"You try to make it seem like nothing fazes you, and you're so good at it that sometimes, people can't tell when you're irked. You never put yourself first, as much as it can hurt sometimes. And under that sarcastic, cold demeanour, you care more than any person in the world."

--------------From "Chapter One" original story starter

I winced as I massaged my neck from where I had been hit last night. The bruise was already looking a lot worse after a day, which probably wasn't a good sign, but I was too lazy to do anything about it. It seemed like I was always in pain in some part of my body, so at that point, my body just decided to just stop caring.

Most people have normal lives. They have normal jobs, normal families, normal everything. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those normal people.

My name is Technoblade. If you want to laugh about how stupid that name is, go ahead, beacuse that's not the worst I've seen. In fact, I like it. But if you want anyone to blame, you can blame my dead parents. That's right, I'm an orphan. You can stop making pouty concerned faces now.

I'm a college student by day and a worker by night, which is equivalent to absolutely no sleep whatsoever. I also have a very difficult job, which is equivalent to negative sleep values.

People streamed past me as they sat down at their seats, chattering amongst themselves. Some gave me odd looks when they noticed the bruises on my exposed skin, but none of them stopped to ask. In a way, it worked out in my favor. However, it did not leave me with any hope for humanity.

--------------From "Chapter Seventeen" techno reverting scene

Usually I wore a simple t-shirt and my cloak, along with whatever pants just happened to be lying on my floor at the time. But this time I wore the white dress shirt, the hem of which was tucked into an actually decent pair of black pants.

It had been a long time since I had worn fancy clothing. I hadn't seen the need for it. When I first started my career as a bounty hunter, fancy clothing was all I wore. People called me a king. They treated me with utmost respect.

But even kings fall from their thrones.

The second they realized that I was unbeatable, they took it as a personal challenge. At one point, I had a bounty of my own over my head, weighting me down as I dealt with fellow hunters chasing me through the night with every intent to kill.

So much blood was spilled before I let Storm take my place as the "greatest of all time." I faded into the background, letting others bask in the limelight while I watched from the sidelines. Gone --- well, not really --- but not forgotten. But now, I was ready to take back my crown. Or at least, long enough to rid the city of Smiley.

--------------From "Chapter Twenty" smiley scene

"Where are you going?" Smiley asked in confusion as I stood up and started walking away without a word. "Hey --- I can hear you, you know. Techno!"

I didn't bother replying. Suddenly, I wasn't really feeling like being around him. My thoughts were too all over the place. I was scared that I might flip and kill him.

"Techno!" Smiley shouted. "I tried to befriend you! I tried to get close! You want to walk away from me?"

Yep, I thought, not pausing at all.

"Listen to me!"

There was real rage in his voice. I slowed down slightly, feeling a sense of dread. A premonition.

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