Number One Fan! Interview with viviloves2write

Start from the beginning

6.   What is your favorite song?

That's a tough one. My songs change so much. Right now I'm loving Muse! When I listen to them I can write endlessly. I'm a huge Bruno Mars fan... he has an amazing voice. Florence + the Machine is another favorite. And I can't forget Paramore, I love them. Favorite songs from each of them.... Bruno Mars- The Other Side.... Muse- Time is Running Out... Paramore- All of them lol.... And Florence + the Machine- Drumming song.

7.    How did you get started writing on Wattpad?

I actually came across Wattpad on my iPod. I was looking for reading apps and I found it. I didn't realize I could put my writing on it until a few days later. I was ecstatic because I had been writing a story and I wanted feedback but couldn't find anyone to get it from. After a while, I came up with another story idea.  I had started reading a fanfic story and I really got into. She asked me to be an editor but apparently there were complaints because I wasn't involved enough (like I didn't have a life outside of twilight). So after that, my vampire story itch wasn't satisfied so I started my own, lol.

8.    What was the first story you ever wrote and have you finished it?

My first story is called 'Interference'. I have not finished it yet but only because it had so many flaws that I wanted to fix when I started typing it and I was too lazy to fix them. And since my USB broke I have not retyped the over two hundred pages I have written. But it is almost done and I am considering retyping it and putting it up on Wattpad so you can read it. It's nothing like 'My Best Friend is a What????', but it is different from other stories, I believe. I start it off as a love story having two people meet then the second part is where they have to go to another planet to stop an invasion. Yeah, it's a work in progress, cause I have to change things in the beginning to make things at the end fit.

9.    What is your favorite genre to write and why?

I love fantasy because real life is just so boring and real, lol. Fantasy leaves room for imagination and creativity. I'm not that great with creating my own fantasies but I do try and not make it like everything else people have seen. I have not written that many stories, actually, so I gotta see where I go with it.

10.   Which of the stories that you've written is the most personal to you and why?

So far the one I plan to write called 'Blackberries for my Father' will be the most personal considering the story is based on my idea or point of view of my father's life. Clearly some things will be made up because I can't remember it all, lol, but it will be personally into my childhood and my siblings childhood as well as our adult life. I base it off of not just things I see but the things he has said to me, and how I think he would react to certain situations. It just occurred to me one day that his life would make an interesting story. I just have to keep the right state of mind to write it.

11.   Your writing has grown and improved a lot since you started on Wattpad. Do you feel that the feedback you get from your readers and fans has helped you out and how?

To tell the truth, it is really you that has helped me, lol. I value your opinion very much on my writing cause I know you will tell the truth, whereas some people will say anything so you will read their story. I don't have many fans but I do appreciate the ones that have read my story and liked it. I don't network as well as I should only because I know I don't want to ask people to read my story, but I know I will not have much time to read theirs in return. So the fans I do have I want them to be able to read a flawless story, which I have been more conscience of since you started reading my story.

12.   What is the best book you've ever read and what made it so special?

Ok this is so cliché I know but 'Twilight' is my absolute favorite. I have read the complete series three times. The reason I chose this series is because I feel the love story behind all the other stuff is just so compelling. Something that I wish I could find in this lifetime. I know it is stupid of me, lol, but just like every other girl I wish I could find that undying loyal love. The real stuff, not the stalker stuff. After I read that story the third time I went into a real depression because I was unhappy with the life I had. I knew I was missing something and the guy I was with... I just didn't belong with, whether we have a child together or not. The reason I realized this is because I know people should feel a certain way when they are really in love with someone and I just didn't feel that way at all. The story itself completely changes my perspective on love and how it should be. I mean, no, I don't believe in love at first sight but I do believe in passion.

13.   What was the first book you ever read and what impact did it have on your own writing?

First book I ever really read on my own was in eleventh grade. It was Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. After that I was hooked and didn't stop reading, lol. But I didn't start thinking about really writing until the third time I read of 'Twilight', years later. I just started having sentences flash in my head and I needed a story idea. So I started 'Interference' and it just flowed out of me. After reading so much my mind thought like a book rather than how I actually speak.

14.   Do you read both printed books and ebooks? Which is your favorite and why?

I do read both but right now ebook is more convenient seeing that the only time I have to read is on the bus on my way to and from work. But I will buy books for my kindle and printed. There is something about having a collection of books that I love. My favorite though is just the old fashion printed books. Nothing like actually having a book in your possession. The kindle is pure convince and I love the idea of being a book geek cause everyone hates it.

15.   How do you think Wattpad is going to change the face of literature in the next fifty years?

I sure hope it will. I mean if publishers took this site seriously and if people wrote more professionally then so many stories can be discovered and really published. I just wish some of us can be discovered because there is real talent out there, but not everyone has the time and patience it takes to get their story into a publishers hands. (People like me).

16.   What is your advice to other young writers who are just getting started?

My advice is don't let anyone talk you down. If you believe in what you write then you can be great, but there is always room for improvement. Consider some criticism, cause it's the reader you want to impress, not yourself. Writing is a talent not something everyone can do so keep your head up and keep working on your talent.

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