Itachi is first as he takes out his grimore


He leaps into the air and fires two huge blasts of fire as Mephistopheles looks at them


A beam of light erupts from his entire body, splitting the flame in half as he senses someone flash behind him


Kai uses Itachis fire as a distraction to get behind and zoom towards mephistopheles as he already gets ready for his next attack, until Kai jumps into the air and goes behind him, then too his left, then right then back up and behind again as Mephistopheles can't seem to know when he'll fire off his attack


Mephistopheles is bearly able to react in time to Kais attack as it almost cuts into him, to a familiar memory of Asta

"This boy has a better control on his attacks, he's more diverse in the Lightning area it seems" Mephistopheles says as he quickly regenerates


He fires off an attack that Kai is bearly able to dodge, hitting his arm as Itachi is hit in the leg

Itachi claps his hands, as a orange aura begans to appear around him

A giant skeleton from then appears, then comes armor plating and a giant sword and shield

"It's rare to get to see that in action" Kai says as he looks back and decides to use his trump card.....

Mephistopheles looks shocked as he feels a all too familiar mana come from Kai, Pitch black magic is seen surrounding the boy as Kai laughs

"I never thought i'd had to use this again, oh well" He says as his left eye turns black, his pupil turns red as he grows a wing and his sword begans to be surrounded in devil magic

"A devil host, who might yours be?" Mephistopheles says

"My devil is a higher ranked demon, by the name of Asmodeus" Kai says as Mephistopheles thinks

"I don't remember a devil named Asmodeus, must be after my reign as king" He says as he shrugs it off, as Kai picks up his blade and licks the blood off of it Mephistopheles realizes he's going to be in deep trouble



Kai snaps his fingers as Mephistopheles ears instantly get feel like they imploded, as blood flys out from his ears

"What did you do?" he says as he's in agony, his ears ringing

"My devil uses sound magic, if i can find a way to drink their blood, i can mess with their hearing in different ways, i can aslo utilize sound waves and turn them against people" Kai says as smiles

"I never liked using it though, me and my devil don't get along very well" he says as Mephistopheles gets back up

"This is getting interesting, i'll admit you two are talented, but i won't lose" He says as he begans to transform his host and Devil magic begans to take over

50% percent

half of his body is now covered in dark magic as he gets ready to attack


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