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Yami and Asta make their way to the palace as they tell julius about the encounter they just had, he springs instantly at this opportunity and calls upon the captains of the knights

"i want y'all to chose 4 members of your squad and get them ready to send out to battle , we are going to go straight for the eye of the midnight suns base and bring the fight to them and end this once and for all" julius says with a smile as everyone gets ready

the next week consists of the mages picked training and getting ready for battle

from the golden dawn, yuno,mimosa,klaus and some other mage ( just imagine some random one) are getting their stuff ready and honing in their mana, especially yuno as he trains hard everyday to perfect his new form

from the black bulls, asta , noelle , luck and zora ( i forgot to introduce him so just pretend he's been here since the selection exam) are picked and began intense training under yami

from the Crimson lions , Leopold , the vice captain ( forgot his name) a powerful mage ( imagine another random one) come out of the squad with mereleona leading the group along with yami in general

jack the ripper elects himself to go from the praying mantisis leaving the vice captain in charge while he's gone

charlotte from the blue rose knights goes and leaves that one chick to lead (you know which one i mean)

Nozel silva, Nebra and solid all go from their team

and the rest of the teams send their respectable mages , important ones include the captain of the grey deer and sekke aka bah ha

the day before they attack , asta is talking to noelle about the battle tomorrow

"you know it's scary, thinking about what will happen tomorrow, and what about my friends?" asta thinks as he clenched his fist and thinks about how he wants to protect everyone , especially noelle

noelle rubs his back and tells him it will be okay, she kisses him on the cheek and lays down for bed as they have a long day tommorow

asta lays down in bed as liebe calls upon him

"nervous?" liebe asks asta as he begans to talk

"that doesn't even describe it" he says as he laughs it off

"when do you plan to tell everyone about you and noelle?" liebe says as asta pauses

"i can't, a royal and a peasant? people won't accept that, they'll riot in the streets, and the silvas won't accept me either, just have to keep it quiet" asta says as he starts to look down

"don't worry asta, if push comes to shove , i'm sure the girl won't leave you, even if the world was against y'all." he says as he peaches out for the night leaving asta to think

spade kingdom

"sir, we've gotten word that there are rumors in the clover kingdom as to the magic knights leading an all out attack with the eye of the midnight sun, should we attack in this chaos?" a mage asks a tall man with black hair and a crown in his head, with a robe with the spade kingdom logo on it

he turns around and reveals a wicked grin


"what?" the mage says in surprise

"you heard me, i said not yet, those mages are strong, even me, vanica and zenon couldn't defeat those mages on our own, especially that pesky wizard whatever he calls himself" the man sits in his chair as he turns to reveal himself as the true ruler of the spade kingdom, the vessel of the king of demons


"we will wait, we need to train our troops till all of you are on the level of the eight shining generals, plus we have other things to worry about" looking outside of the window to see a battlefield once again

"turns out their willpower is tougher then we though, riots acorss the spade kingdom, mages hidden in homes and bunkers coming out and fighting our forces , if we don't control this then the heart kingdom will attack and destroy us!" he says as he slams his desk in rage

"no matter, this battle, i'll handle it myself" dante says with a grin itching to blow off some steam

he shatters the window and flys out to the battle in front of him, he sees the mages look up at him in fear as they realize the king of the spade kingdom is now in front of them

"now gentleman, am i who you're looking for?"


the gravity turns on the battlefield, the mages are suddenly pulled down into the ground as craters start to be formed, the force is so great the mages body's are ripped apart by the pure force of a simple attack made by the king

"so that's the power of the king and his devil" a spade kingdom mage says as he bows down as dante walks up to the group of men fighting

"great job men, make sure to keep this fighting up as long as you can, your job is to die for our nation if needed" dante says as he flys off back to the castle

"YES SIR" the mages say in return

"now that's how you rally a crowd" as he comes back to see zenon and vanica

"ahhh big brother yours so cool!" she says with a smile as zenon looks to the battlefield envious of his brothers power

"i'm sure you've heard the news , the clover kingdom is going to war with the faction causing them so much trouble" vanica says massaging the scars on her chest , the ones from him

"that boy dante, he's dangerous already, he didn't even use half of that devils power and it was enough to kill ladros instantly and injure me" she says as zenon looks disgusted

"that devil liebe had no power, he was a servant to us, how could he have obtained so much power" zenon says in rage

"that boy , my son, i'll go to reclaim him one day, with an army of men destroying his kingdom while i'm at it." dante says with a smile as luciferos shadow can be seen laughing behind him.

back to the clover kingdom

asta wakes up early , abour two hours before they are supposed to go to the checkpoint and travel to the battle field , he sees a still sleeping noelle sleeping, he kisses her forehead and gets up and starts to stretch before she sees her wake up

"good morning bakasta, do you want breakfast?" she says with a smile as asta looks away into the mirror at his built but scarred body

"noelle, will your family accept me?" he says as he looks sad as noelle is thrown back by the question, she goes up and hugs him from behind

"don't worry bakasta, even if they don't accept you, i'll always be with you , i see the black bulls as my family anyways and i'll be by your side when you become the wizard king, whether they accept it or not." she says with a kiss to asta as she goes to make breakfast

"she's a keeper" liebe says with a smile as asta laughs

asta walks out to see nero talking to noelle as he smiles , they became friends, he tells himself , that's great

they eat breakfast and the black bulls wish asta, noelle, yami, zora and luck a safe trip as they take off towards the checkpoint

mereleona stands before the mages ready to battle , she has a fiery look in her eyes as yami walks into the podium with her as they start to talk

"this might be y'all's last battle, or the first , or your greatest, the point is this will be the battle that decides our fate for the kingdom, they can be planning something that will destroy our kingdom so that's why we must stop them RIGHT NOW" yami says with fire in his eyes as they all cheer at yamis words


the cheering grows louder and louder as they head out , into the biggest and darkest day the clover kingdom has experienced.....yet.

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