The Eye of The Midnight Sun

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damn i've pushed out a lot of chapters today, i happen to have a lot of free time today so i'm not sure if i'll be pushing out like this everyday haha , anyways

"Those swords, aren't yours" vetto said with anger in his eyes.

asta was confused , he didn't know what to say to that "liebe" asta says in his subconscious "what is it?" liebe responds

"is it possible that you got this grimore from this guys master?" he says

"i'm not sure , we don't have to believe this guy anyways ; for well we know it's just lies"

asta puts away his swords and starts pouring anti magic into his fists , he takes and stance and the batt begins


vettos mana takes the shape of an elephant and charges straight at asta , asta throws a hand right and combos it with a barrage of fists to shatter the mana - elephant , vetto goes for a high kick and asta grabs it and throws a him acorss the room into a wall.


asta let's down a storm of swords onto vetto which he takes the damage, and removes the swords like it's nothing

"what the fuck?" liebe says in his subconscious, "he's insane "

"fine by me" asta says


his swords return and he grabs two swords from the crowd and charges at vetto again , with a single mana infused strike he shatters one of the swords and grabs asta by the hair and knees him in the gut, before taking the sword and stabbing it into astas shoulder

"AHHHHHH" asta screams in pain as he's kicked back into the wall

"ASTA" noelle and mimosa scream and go to tend to him, noelle doesn't know what to do, she sees asta hurt and he's struggling to recover


mimosa begans to heal asta and yuno together as noelle stands in front of vetto. she's filled with rage. she can't believe vetto hurt her friends like that and especially asta.

"DONT EVER TOUCH THEM AGAIN" noelle yells as she releases a massive amount of mana , the mana begains to take shape around her and it transforms into armor plates that surround her and a sword appears in her hand


she lunges at vetto, anticipating this he lunges to meet her in the middle but she flys up surprising him , she comes behind him and stabs him directly in the stomach. he screams in pain and backhands noelle onto the floor but she quickly recovers


wings sprout out of vetto as she fly's up and flys at noelle

"is this better?" vetto says laughing.

they meet in the middle as noelle kicks and vetto grabs her leg, she uses her arms to swing her sword and slash him acorss the chest , blood spurts out onto her armor, straining it with his blood , she finishes her onslaught with one more slash which takes off his arm completly.

Vetto falls back , he underestimated noelle and cause of that he was near death

"i can't lose to humans , disgusting creatures , i will kill them , ILL KILL THEM ALL" vetto screams as mana pours out of him and comes back into his wounds healing him and even growing back his arm completely, he floats up into the air and yells to a stunned noelle and the rest of the group.

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