The Qua-Toyne Mandate

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Chapter 9: The Qua-Toyne Mandate

On one of the moons of Hyperion Core

Moon of Entropy
Superlunary Class Dome #1
Overseer Palace
443 Sols since departure from the Milky Way

The luxurious palace dwarves the surrounding superlunar structures; consuming almost half the space of the dome with an area of 50 square kilometers. Most of it is built with rare alloys and exquisite stones.

Hundreds of defensive systems are scattered all over the humongous palace while a small unit of 50,000 troopers and 15,000 law enforcers guard the dome.

The Overseer Palace is not only found in the surface but underground too. This is were the complex networks of tunnels and bunkers are located.

In the conference room of the palace, the 12 council members gather and discuss about the future of the planet

Name of the following councilors:
Overseer -Maverick- (alias)
Head Director -Nile- (alias)
High Marshal Miller
Director Kruger
Director Aiden
Marshal Prion
Marshal Nano
Overlord -Volga- (alias)
Administrator -Delta- (alias)
Governor Freud
Governor Seven
Governor Zephyr

"Gentlemen, welcome to my humble aboad." said the Overseer

"I hope all of you had a wonderful time on this new galaxy. Now, this palace demonstrates the advancements of our civilization. Those primitives down there won't stand a chance against our full assault. I have assembled this meeting to create our plans for the upcoming invasion but first..*ahem*...we must complete the construction of our Gene Modification Facility and Clone Vats."

"Indeed Overseer, it is essential that the gene modification facilities be completed to speed up our espionage operations. Our spies blending in the primitive societies and infiltrating them will make our task unproblematic." said the Administrator

"High Marshal...explain to us about the technological capabilities of each primitive nation on Hyperion Core." said the Overseer while gesturing to a holographic device

"It is imperative that war will be inevitable with the natives of Hyperion Core."

"First and foremost, our main threat is this [Ancient Sorcerer Empire] what the primitives so call. Another is the Annonrial Empire that our spies acting as merchants on sailships that has made contact with. They claim to be just mere barbaric savages but that is not the truth. One of our science ships has reported of a Mid-21st Century-like Missile Battleship docked at one of their port cities. They have the technology of the Late Cold War and some weaponry of the first stages of the Information Age."

"That is at most fascinating. An isolationist nationstate trying to hide its true identity. Do they possess any nuclear fission technology or warheads?"Head Director Nile asked

"I'm afraid the answer is yes. The Annonrials have knowledge and possession of nuclear fission. Their armies are very comparable to the late 20th century of Earth. They have automatic rifles, main battle tanks, jets, crude grasp of psion, missiles and the most alarming, biological weaponry."

The 10 councillors gasped after hearing the potential threat. Decently armed primitives with yet advance enough biological weapons.

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