A Son For Lord Andrew Charles Howard Part One

Start from the beginning

"Together they would give Lord Patrick William his first great great-great-great-grandchild and give Lord Charles Andrew SR his first great-great great grandchild and my grandfather wasn't a picky man he just wanted a great-grandchild and you delivered her to him." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"Oh like you didn't contribute any part of Lady Elizabeth." Lady Karissa says with a laugh.

"The last virgin birth I heard about was the birth of the Judaeo-Christian God from The Blessed Virgin Mary." Lady Karissa states.

"The Catholic Church states her mother, Ann was also a virgin but I doubt it." Lady Karissa states.

"Our Gods and Goddesses created their children the same way we do by copulating with each other." Lady Karissa states.

"You have to respect and honor the Virgin Mary as she did give birth to their savior as Hera gave birth to her children and Frieda gave birth to her children. " Lady Karissa states.

"Lord Andrew Charles. You never told me about your mother." Lady Karissa tells him.

"My mother is the only daughter of Lord Matthew Stuart, Duke of Lennox Territory and she had one brother, Lord Alexander Charles. " Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

Lady Patricia was born in March of 2212 and she was educated in Lennox before she was betrothed to my father in 2227 and she came to Norfolk in March o f 2228 and they were married in June of 2229." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"She had my brother in 2230 and every child every five years with my father." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"I guess she loved us, but it was hard to tell with my mother, but my father loved all of us." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"Father adores Lady Elizabeth and he keeps telling to guard her with my life." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lady Karissa.

"Your father has waited for her to come since Lord Charles Andrew III or Lord Patrick William didn't give him a grandchild." Lady Karissa states.

Lord Charles Andrew III married in 2251 and Lord Patrick William married in 2258 and that is how many years for each of them." Lady Karissa asks.

"41 years for a man to wait for his first grandchild Lord Andrew Charles. " Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles .

"I would have thought it would be easier to just bag them , feel them, fuck them and forget them until the next to have another child." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I think Lord Patrick genuinely loves Lady Pauline and their marriage isn't a loveless one like Lord Charles Andrew III's marriage with Lady Victoria is. " Lord Andrew Charles exclaims.

"They need to copulate more and they will have children."Lady Karissa answers.

"Look at us Lord Andrew Charles. We have been married for five years and we will have three children." Lady Karissa answers.

"We have Lady Elizabeth, Lady Samhain, and we have a son on the way and we have one more child to go and as you know I promised Lord Richard Carey his children, but they will all be the -great-great-grandchild of Lord Frederick William Howard." Lady Karissa explains.

"I am sure that my great-grandfather would thank you if he was alive." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"You never told me about Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort Lord Andrew Charles." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I really don't know much about my great-grandmother Lady Karissa, but father may know more as he has some memories of her as a boy." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"What about Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Churchill? Lady Karissa asks.

"Father does have memories about his mother and she was much like you and she wouldn't put up with the guff that he gave her. " Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Churchill was the heiress to Lord Charles Churchill and Lady Elizabeth Percy. I was told that her father my maternal grandfather allowed to decide if she wanted to marry my grandfather." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Churchill married my grandfather in 2208 and in January of 2210 my father was born to the joy of my grandfather and grandmother and in 2215 my Aunt Lady Sophia Charlotte was born, to be followed by Lord Richard Edward SR in 2220 and finally my Uncle, Lord Edwin William Howard in 2225." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"She received the covenant Howard Tiara and you were the third wife to wear it." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"It is up to the Duke to bestow upon their wife on the day they become Duke to bestow it upon his wife, but father insisted that you receive it as you gave him his first grandchild and I was happy to do it just to see my father happy" Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"It is considered an honor." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"I wear it when I have too, but I am keeping it for our daughter when she succeeds you." Lady Karissa explains.

"I had made a smaller duplicate of it as when she turns 16 and I have to escort her to the cotillion she will be wearing it." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"Lady Samhain will wear the Tiara of Clarence Territory." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

Lady Karissa listens to Lord Andrew Charles talk about the plans for their daughters, but Lady Elizabeth has eyes only for her second cousin, Lord Richard Edward III.

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