Chapter 2

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Heyyyy guys! What's up? So this is Chapter 2 and there is a picture of my outfit as I promised! Enjoyyy!!!

Lilly's pov

I am at the dance academy. Today I have ballet and latin. I am done with latin and now I am doing ballet. I feel so good with ballet! It's my life and when I dance I feel like I can fly! We were doing an exrercise from the corner. It was my turn. Here we go! Pique, faille, attitude, tombe, pas de bourree, pirrouete, the end!

"Great Lilly!" miss Alison said.

The lesson over and I went to the changing room. I took off my ballet clothes and I put a grey nike athletic t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts. I took my braceletes out of my dance bag (I had took them off for the ballet lesson)  and put then on. I wore my grey converse, and did my hair into a ponytail. I took my dance bag and I got in my car.

Luke's pov

Today is our first rehearsal with Lilly.

Well, in a few minuits I am going to emberesse myself in front of Lilly and the guys. I am a really bad dancer and I am nervous! 

We were all waiting for her in the dance studio. Yes there is a dance studio in the second floor. We heard the elevator. Lilly got in the room walking like she was on a catwalk.

"hey guys!" she said smiling.

let's start warming up!

"okay" Ashton said smiling.

I am sure he likes her. Well she is pretty! And cute! Ah I have to stop thinking about that!

We did some warm up and then...there was dancing! Wow Lilly is an amazing dancer! But I am not! I was so emberessed! I looked at the guys. Okay they are not like Lilly but they are better than me! I just couldn't wait till the class will finish. But every minuit was like a year! Some moves where pretty easy but some others was very difficult. But she made them look so easy. I can't understand how she is doing this.

"Now on your own" Lilly said.

Oh no! I can't to this on my own! Michael seem to have get the moves so I was looking at him. But again, I was terrible!

The class finally over! I was walking to the door when I heard Lilly's voice.

"Luke? Can you come here?"

I walked towards her. She had a towel around her neck and seemed very tired.

"I know, I was terrible."

"I can't say terrible but...what happened? You seemed so confused. The moves weren't so difficult!"

"Are you kidding me? They were very difficult! Their maybe be easy for you but not me. Look, I was never good at dancing. Singing is my talend!"

"Relax! We all have something we are good at and something we are not! I am a terrible singer and a great dancer! You are the oposite!"

"Yeah but nobody is making you sing  either you want it either not. Nobody aked me if I want to dance. I don't, I am terrible!"

"Okay. What do you think about some extra classes?"

"Extra classes?"

"Yes! I can show you some basics and stuff so you won't have to feal emberessed. And I'll make sure that nobody is going to find out."

"Well....okay. When?"

"Just give me your phone number and I'll text you when I can, because I have a really full scedual."

"Okay. Give me your phone"

Lilly's pov

I gaved him my phone and he wrote his phone number. I did the same to his.

"Oh and, you are a very good dancer.


"Yesterday I told you that I'll see you dancing and I'll tell you if you are good. You are!"

"Oh thank you!"

He left.

I checked my phone. There was his number. I guess I am a pretty lucky girl having Luke Hemming's phone number! I can't believe he is such a terrible dancer! Oh, I am a bit rude! But I am telling the truth! Sorry Luke! I have to do extra classes to him or he is going to emberesse his self in front of thousands of people.

I drove back to my appartement really tired. Well, I am dancing all day! I wore my PJ's and took my make up off. I laid on my bed when my phone rang. It was my best friend Amy.


Lilly! How was the class?

Good. Why?

Ah you know how much I like 5 seconds of summer! I want to come at the next class.

Okay you'll come.


Can we please hung up now? I am really tired!

Ah! I want to talk about 5SOS!


Ah! Okay bye!

I hung up and I slept.

The Dance teacher (a Luke Hemmings fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora