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Chapter 2: Inception

Aboard the FSS Perception, Captain Evergreen watches the recording of their recent encounters

"Just what were those things?, and why there were humans riding them?" he mumbles.

"It seems to be some sort of pterodactyl-like creature, Captain" Science Officer Lee Wong responses to his question

"We made contact with a more advanced civilization too. They have what seems to be biplanes of the Industrial Age."

The ship was conducting standard surveying protocols when suddenly they encountered the "anomalies". Recent scans has also shown primitive structures on the surface that seems to be in the Iron Age or Early Medieval. Another is when the of "anomaly" attempted catching up to them but to no avail.

The biplane seen before was doing a maneuver but started to approach the ship. The Perception immediately executed a brief high impulse jump before vanishing into space.

It is clear that there are intelligent creatures and humans too, indicating this is amother different dimension like the 3rd, 6th and 7th galaxies.

The ship continues its re-entry through the atmosphere to venture to the location with strong energy readings of Psion particles which could mean there is a presence of primitive psion civilization.


Maihark, Qua-Toyne Principality

The Qua-Toyne Principality has a stunning environmental beauty while being blessed by the gods gives them a thriving ecosystem. A perfect landscape provides them maximum efficiency in farming and raising livestock. This has lead to a economic boom for them in the recent decades on trade.

On the city of Maihark, a busy hub of trade. Thousands of merchants and opportunists roam around on their land birds and horses.

In a manacom building somewhere. People were rushing around and passing reports of unidentified sightings of a large object flying around the edge of the Principality's airspace. It was too fast to see what nation it belonged to. No other nation is capable of such a feat.


Central Calendar
1639-Month 1-Day 27

Qua-Toyne Principality
North of Maihark.

The port that was located north from the Trade City Maihark was somewhat apart from the city, but since it was affiliated with Maihark, it was called Port Maihark.

At Port Maihark, there was a base where the 2nd Fleet of Qua-Toyne Principality Navy was. It is on high alert after the recent hostile actions of Louria. Now it is put on full battle readiness as the reports of an unidentified large flying object was spotted.

Panic is rampant as the mysterious threat is circling around Maihark. The large unidentified object had easily passed by the patrols and hovered unopposed above Maihark. Since it didn't perform any form of attack, it was concluded that it is conducting reconnaissance, but the problem was, the unit was clearly not something from Louria Kingdom. Its likely this ship or whatever it is, are from one of the superpowers.

But why is a superpower visiting some uncivilised nation?

What are their intentions?

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