Chapter 2: Introductions and Insults

Start from the beginning

Using all the self-control she could muster, Rumi ended the conversation with a snarl then stomped out of the elevator and out the front doors of the building.


Izuku watched as the crowd of office workers hastily cleared a path for the angry rabbit-girl, who then stomped away grumbling under her breath.

Sighing tiredly, Izuku stepped out of the elevator with Miruko's agent and gave her a slight bow. "Sorry, I let my emotions get the better of me. Hopefully once both of us have cooled our heads a little we can have a more civil discussion."

Miruko's agent snorted softly and waved away Izuku's apology. "Considering how my client acts I say this went better than expected. To be honest I think it is good that someone finally stood up to her. She may be talented and have a powerful quirk, but she still has a lot to learn when it comes to people."

Izuku simply stayed silent as Miruko's agent handed him her card with her contact information. Nodding gratefully, Izuku walked the agent over to the building entrance and respectfully held a door open for her to exit.

Waiting until the agent had walked out of sight, Izuku let his shoulders sag as he trudged back to the elevator.

He had promised himself to be professional and diplomatic for heaven's sake! Why was it that he lost his cool with Miruko of all people?!

After descending to the parking garage and walking back to his car, Izuku drove straight to his office. The building he worked in was not anything special, just a blocky rectangle that was clearly designed for utility and not style.

After using his ID card to pass through multiple doors and metal detectors, Izuku took the stairs up to the second floor and entered his office.

Izuku's office was always neat and tidy even though it was fairly plain. A single bookshelf stood on one side filled with various textbooks and manuals, while a digital clock hung on the wall. His desk was sturdy and made of black metal and his laptop sat on one side of the desk in a rotating charging station. A simple rolling office chair accompanied the desk and a decently sized window let in enough sunlight to make the room warmer on sunny days. The only thing that stood out was a small glass display case hung on the wall. Inside the case were all of Izuku's military awards and merits as well as the patches of the units he had been part of.

Unfortunately, Izuku's office was not empty when he walked in.

A man in a cheap black suit sat in Izuku's chair with his feet up on the desk and a tabloid magazine in his hands.

"Yo Mido, how did your meeting go?" The man said in a friendly tone.

At a glance the man looked like any (relatively) normal adult. Caucasian skin, muscular, with brown buzz cut hair. But if you looked closer you would notice some very interesting details. First was that the man's eyes were a moldy green color with slit pupils similar to a crocodile or alligator.

Rolling his eyes, Izuku walked into his office and pushed the intruder's feet off his desk.

"C'mon Oscar, if you are going to keep breaking into my office at least keep the place clean. Last week I found a stale piece of beef jerky on my bookshelf."

Oscar smiled toothily and stood up, folding up the magazine and sticking it in his pocket. His teeth were like that of a hyena. Sharp, large, and clearly meant for crushing bone and tearing flesh (on a slow day Izuku had spent nearly an hour looking up pictures of various kinds of animal teeth to satisfy his curiosity).

"I was wondering where I left that. Sorry Mido." Oscar said in a clearly unapologetic tone. "If you want, feel free to swing by my office and leave some paper clips or something for me to find."

Life is Simple, Love is Not (Izuku x Miruko)Where stories live. Discover now