Chapter Nine: An Ordinary Human

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Technoblade (Techno):

Immediately when I crashed the game it punished me and made me an ordinary human, ugh. After getting beat and thrashed by my brothers and and spit on my Schlatt I set out to be a wealthy king, not someone begging for wheat. The only person who didn't seem to eat me alive was Phil, Philza Minecraft. Every day after hours I go down to the pub and Phil gives me a free drink of whatever is opened but not finished. Phil took me in, he gave me things to help me up and helped me refresh my memories of my other life, which had been fading. One day Phil sat me down next to Tommy and slapped with words. If I didn't work for him at the pub during the day, and mine during the night, he would have to kick me out. Tommy was apparently the manager for both things so Philza wanted to let both of us know at the same time. 

After 6 weeks of nonstop work, smuggling diamonds, and stealing potions, I finally had all I needed to be independent from Philza. I was packing up my things in an enderchest Phil had in the back for workers, when I saw Will. He was drunk and alone, and seemed to be really sad, and approached the phantom. "Will? What's wrong?" It took absolutely no time for him to open up. 

"They're dating."

"Who?" Techno didn't even know Wilbur was dating anyone. 


Techno looked at Wilbur with annoyance "I need a name"

"ORI! WHO ELSE! HE SURE IS MR.PERFECT! WILL ALL OF HIS SHEEP, AND IS LITERALLY SOOOOOOO HOT!" It all just came flowing out of will as Techno stood there in complete silence and Wilbur continued his rant. He hadn't asked how Techno got there, he didn't ask what his origin was, he didn't even greet him. But Techno felt little remorse, for deep down his was a good person. 

"Should I kill him?" 

"I'm thinking about blowing up his place." 


"What, I thought you into that kind of things"

"I liked over throwing governments, not innocent people."


"Maybe you should see Sally again" Wilbur's face turned visibly flushed and it looked at if his heart was crushed.

"Sally.." He repeated at is he was testing out the word. "Left me, to get some fussy" 

"Sally's a lesbian?"

"No she teased me with it."

"Wilbur I gotta go...."

"Everyone has someone Techno! But me!"  (Ignore this message {Techno smashed his lips onto Wilburs, "I need you" he said "I love you Wilby"] Sorry I had to)

"Flipping think about someone besides yourself!" The selfish words had come out before he could stop them, Wilbur stepped back shakily as if Techno slapped him. "Wilbur-" Techno tried to cover up the wound before it got infected, but it was too late. 

"J-just go"


"GO!" He shouted and Techno walked off not looking back in fear of an ax being lodged in his throat. As Techno walked along the river he saw a house 200 blocks up with a ladder going all the way up. 

"Heh?" Techno being Techno climbed the ladder quickly and with grace and it took him only 5 minutes to get to the top. "Hello?" He opened the door to see Tommy making out with a girl. She wore a tank top with holes in it to convene for her feather like wings. Tommy's shirt was off and viably on the floor. The girl to the door opening hopped off Tommy and he just stood there in shock. 

"Oh" Tommy laughed awkwardly "Hey Techno" Tommy had grown into a pretty handsome young man, the mystery girl was very pretty, and had a similar tattoo to Tommy. "You're an Avian" Techno looked at the girl as she flushed and spoke quietly. 

"Yes" Techno took this moment to look around the room, he noticed two twin size beds. 

Techno blurted it out before he could think "You're living together!?"

Tommy looked more flustered than he had ever seen him. "Ummmmmm"

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for reading Origins (An Origins SMP Story) sorry yet again this took so long, but, um, start expecting longer upload times. But anyway, I have an announcement GO READ FLOWERS FROM 1970!!!!!!!!!! It is seriously one of the best things I have ever read. It is DNF and made be bawl my eyes out. Self promo time: Go check out my youtube! My official channel is WDTSS YT but I swear to god if you mention your from my wattpad I will delete your comment. My alt ish channel is Failing Games where i literally just show off how much I suck at games. Anyway, have an amazing day and I love all of you. Thanks, Ashes. 

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