Chapter 14: Capture The Flag

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      However, ten feet from the water, one of the blue team members broke free and sprinted towards him. They swung their sword and Danny, not having enough time to dodge, instinctively went intangible. The blade tingled painfully as it passed through him, but Danny didn't have any time to think about it as he splashed across the creek to the other side. The gray flag turned red and the horn sounded again, signaling the end of the game.

      The red team broke into loud cheers and crowded around Danny, patting him on the back and congratulating him. However, their celebration was cut short by Annabeth yelling Danny's name, and she sounded very, very angry. Danny turned to see Annabeth stomping towards him (again), her face as red as the plume on Danny's helmet. A baseball cap was held tightly in her hand.

      "How did you do that?!" She demanded.

      Danny felt his heart falter. Did she see me go intangible?

      "How did you get to the flag without anybody noticing you?" She clarified. Danny breathed a sigh of relief that she hadn't seemed to notice, but Annabeth continued. "And how did you-"

      Annabeth was cut off by a shove from Clarisse, who somehow looked happy and angry at the same time. "Who cares, dweeb? My team won!" Her gaze looked almost fiery as it fell on Danny and she snatched the flag from him. "If we had lost, punk, you'd be dead."

     Danny didn't comment on the irony of her statement.

     Annabeth looked ready to fight Clarisse, but Chiron walked up to the three of them, his hands held up in a calming gesture. "Well done, everyone." He proclaimed. "That was the fastest game of capture the flag I've seen since the game against the Hunters this past winter. As such, there are surprisingly few injuries, so let's all head to the amphitheater for bonfire and s'mores."

      As Chiron led the way to the amphitheater, Danny found himself flanked by Aurora and the person who had shot at him earlier during the game; she introduced herself as Sunny.

      "Hey, Danny." Aurora greeted. "Great job on getting the flag. How'd you get it so quick?"

      "I have my ways." Danny answered evasively.

      "And how did you get away from me so easily?" Sunny asked. "I checked the bush where you fell and you weren't there. I was hoping to hit you with my bow." She sounded almost sad.

      Aurora rolled her eyes. "Sunny, we've talked about this. You're not supposed to whack people with bows."

      Sunny pointed her bow at Aurora. "It's literally designed for that, Aura."

      "Yeah, 'cuz Chiron got sick of you breaking all the other ones!"

      Danny left the quarreling duo and joined Annabeth, who had been walking behind him a ways. She glared at him, and Danny rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. What can I say without making her more mad at me? Danny picked at the edge of the elastic bandage that covered his mark.

     Annabeth raised an eyebrow at him, her glare fading. "What happened to your arm?"

     "Hmm?" Danny looked down at his arm. "Oh, I... injured it before coming here."

     "Is it bad? Do you need to go to the infirmary?" Annabeth questioned.

     "No, no, it's fine." Danny said quickly. "It's just a scratch."

     Annabeth didn't look like she believed him, but she let it go. "Sorry about shouting at you earlier." Annabeth fidgeted with the baseball cap in her hands. "I... just got kinda carried away." She held out her hand to Danny. "Good game."

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