Chapter 1 - I'm Bo Bryan

Start from the beginning

"I need to go to the bar. Amber found out she is 2 months pregnant." Tate said. My eyes got wide.

"Uh, I'll pick ya up. You at the dorm?" I asked.

"No, I'm at mom and dads. I don't want them to know yet."

"Okay. I'll be there in 20. Just tell them we are going out to have brother time."

"Alright, Thanks." Tate said and hung up.

I got into my truck that my dad got me for my 21st birthday. I drove all the way to my parents and I saw everyone's vehicle in the drive way. I'm glad my dad extended the drive way. His and mom's truck and SUV were first in line. Tate's SUV was next. Then Bailee's mud truck and Bryson's truck were all in the drive way. I parked behind my mom's SUV and texted Tate. He instantly texted and said comes in for a little Mom and Dad wanna see you.

I got out of my truck and just walked into the house. The house smelled like fresh apple pie and chicken. I smiled remembering eating mom's home cooked meals every day. No one was in the living room. I walked past the stairs and heard some noises. I decided just to go into the kitchen. I stop as I see my dad swaying back and forth holding my mom as she is over the stove. I smile seeing that my dad still does this with my mom. One day I'll have a love like theirs for sure. I cough letting them know someone was walking in and my dad slowly backs away after kissing my mom's head. He sees me and comes over and hugs me.

"Ah Bo. Long time no see son." Dad says. I smile and hug him back.

"I know. I've been busy putting everything out there. I'm waiting on this one call so Tate and I were going to go out to wait." I told Dad. I then went over and hugged my mom. She was shorter than I was so her head was in my chest.

"I missed you son." She said.

"I missed you too mama." I let go of her and she smiled. 

"You two better stay for dinner. I know y'all's are going to them damn bars." Mama said and I chuckled.

"You know us so well. I promise I won't drink a lot and if I do I'll call us both a cab." I said raising my hand. She nodded believing me.

"Or us. You know you can call your mama or I any time." Dad said.

"I know. Just I don't want y'all are worried is all and having to get up at 2 am to pick our drunken asses up."
"Maybe it'll actually have you here more." Mama joked. Then someone walked in. I looked behind me and it was Bailee and her boyfriend Trevor.

"Bo!" She said and came and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"Baby sis. How's life treating ya?" I asked her and she knew that meant her boyfriend.

"Everything's good Bo. You can relax." She smiled and looked at Trevor. "Mama, when's food gonna be done?"

"10 minutes sweetheart." Mama said as she checked on the pie.

"Okay. Thanks mama." Bailee said as she strutted her stuff out of the kitchen and her boyfriend followed right behind her as if he was her puppy. I chuckled at that and then realized my dad did too. We looked at each other then laughed some more and nodded knowing we thought the same thing.

"So no girlfriend yet Bo?" mama asked as she went and stood in front of the island. I turned to her and shook my head no.

"I want to wait for my career to kick off. Then maybe I could find the perfect woman." I smiled. She smiled too.

"Just don't wait too long. Your daddy and would love a grand baby or two." She giggled and my dad went up and put his arm around her.

"Yeah son. We want you to be first since you're first in line. Just make sure she is the right one to have a kid with. You see uncle Jason got married three times." My dad said talking about his best friend Jason Aldean or Williams to some people.

"Oh I know. I'm going to look for what you have, or what Uncle Blake and Aunt Miranda have." I smirked knowing that probably will make my mom almost cry. She has been more emotion this past couple months with things. Just like I called it she wiped a tear away.

We talked for a while longer then they had me call for everyone. We all sat at the table and said grace. Trevor was a little weird today. Tate was all droopy. Bailee was her bright self and Bryson was talking about some new game he played and wanted me to play with him.

When dinner was done I helped my mama clean up and then my dad came up. We planned on going fishing this weekend. I was sure free since I still didn't get my call. After that Tate and I said our goodbyes and mama made sure I promised to come over more.

Tate and I got to the bar and instantly ordered two beers. We downed them quick and then he ordered two shots. WE did those and then got another beer which we were going to sip. We sat in a corner table. Tate was slouched over his beer and wouldn't look up. He seemed really down. I got to talk to him about what we started earlier.

"So what's going on Tate?" I asked sipping my beer.

"Ambers pregnant." He said.

"I got that and she is a month or two rights?"

"Yes. Wanna guess the best part?"

"What?" I asked him. He huffed and chuckled.

"She cheated on me with someone. I didn't get to see her for two months. Two weeks ago is the first time I saw her and screwed her. So guess who the father isn't?" Tate said and my eyes got wide. She cheated on him and it isn't his.

"Holy hell man. That's rough." I said taking a bigger sip. I wasn't too good at talking about bad things.

"Yeah. It's with that cock sucker Jerry from your high school class. What a bitch right? I gave her whatever she wanted and she cheated on me. You know how many times I could of because of the military? You know how many times the guys tried to convince me to screw a new chick while we were at basic? I didn't because I loved her dude. I really did. I was gonna ask her to marry me this Christmas. I had a ring picked out and all. Now, I get to use my saved military money for something else but isn't it a shame. I'm finally a good guy to a chick and she fucks me. Karma got me back good." He said chugging his beer. A lady came over and got his order for a shot and another beer. He was going to get hammered and wanted me to with him.

That is exactly what we were doing. Tate and I were going shot for shot and beer for beer. I told him he could stay at my place since he didn't want Mama or Pa to see him this bad. One drink after another and I started to black out. I knew that wasn't good but the last shot Tate order got me there.


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- pup

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