Chapter 17

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(Gonna be honest I kinda forgot I was writing this sorry and I'll try update regularly again)

You took a step back and almost tripped over your own foot. "Fuck, fuck, fuck" You muttered.

You went to put back on your shirt when you realised your hands were still wet thanks to Mikasa.

Annie broke the awkwardness. "I guess your invite got lost in the mail, Ymir" 

Ymir snapped back to reality with this remark. "Y/N, I knew you were a whore, but Jesus, a foursome in the bathrooms?"

Yelena punched her in the face. "Come on, Y/N, we're leaving" 

Ymir stumbled backwards and Historia held onto her arm. 

"Ymir! Are you okay?" She said worriedly.

Yelena got your pants from the ground beside the sink and handed them to you. You noticed the others were more or less fully clothed again.

"Hands are-" You began to say, but then Annie fixed that little problem by licking them clean.

"Oh" You put the clothes back on quickly and followed Annie and Mikasa out of the bathroom, leaving Ymir still clutching her bloody nose, Historia still trying to help her.

"Oh shit" You heard Mikasa mumble.

"Mikasa, Annie finally! Why were you in the bathroom? And.. Y/N? Yelena?" Eren seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Actually, we were just leaving" You explained. Yelena nodded.

"Oh, well, see you later then" 

Annie and Mikasa waved goodbye as they followed Armin and Eren into the movie.

Yelena turned to you. "That was fun" 

You started towards the door to leave. "Yeah, except maybe the part when Ymir appeared? Why did you open the door? I thought you were on my side here"

She chuckled lightly. "Don't you think it'd make her more jealous to see  someone else finish on your fingers?"

You thought for a minute. "Well, maybe.. But not with Historia there"

"Historia, the blonde one right? I wonder if she knows what a prick Ymir is"

"I hope she realises soon. She deserves someone better. Anyways, let's not talk about this" 

"Sure. Want to get pizza?"

You smiled and nodded. 

After arriving back at your dorm and ordering the pizza, you waited for it to arrive. 

"Ooh, let's play would you rather" Yelena suggested. 

"Alright, but no easy ones. Make this the toughest game you've ever played" 

"Right.. So.. Would you rather.. Date.. Eren, or Armin?"

"Uh.. You?"

"Great answer. Unfortunately, not a valid one. Try again, Y/N"

"Okay.. So Armin is kind and he's smart. But Eren is like, protective and loyal.. I don't know. Maybe they should date each other"

Yelena laughed.

"Ok, ok, my turn. Would you rather.. Fuck Levi or Zeke?"

She rolled her eyes. "Easy. Zeke. A million times. I don't even want to think about doing it with that shorty"

"You answered that way too quickly, Yelena"

She laughed again. "My hatred is the main factor here"

"I'd like to hope it's the only factor here"

"Mhm. So.. Picture this scenario. I'm about to die, right? And you have 2 options. Get back with Ymir and I live, but we can never see each other again. Or, or, just let me die and you don't have to get back with her"

"That's a long one.. Okay.. So either way I can't see you. So on one hand, letting you live would be better.. So basically, would you give your life so I don't have to date Ymir again?" 


Then, the doorbell rang. 

"Ooh, pizza! We can finish this later" You got up to answer the door.  Yelena watched as you took the pizza and payed the delivery dude.

"Finally" You put the pizza down on the counter and flipped the lid up. You sighed happily as the smell filled up the dorm. 

"Oh thank god, no pineapple" Yelena breathed a sigh of relief.

"You don't like pineapple?"

"Not on pizza. Ew"

You laughed and took a slice. Heaven. The best pizza ever. The cheese melted in your mouth and it was just mmmmmmm.

You ate your pizza and watched TV with Yelena.

"So.. What now?" Yelena turned to you.

You looked back at her, eyes shining. "Ever watched A-"

She put her finger on your lips. "Y/N, I'm going to stop you right there. I don't really know what you were about to say, nor do I care. Kiss me"

You did as she said.

Yelena x Fem Reader (AOT)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora