Chapter 4

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It felt so wrong. But it also felt so right.

You could feel the eyes of your friends burning into the back of your head. Some people gasped. Some people just sat in shock.

You pulled away. "Ymir, I-"

She stopped you mid sentence. "I knew you still wanted me Y/N, that proves it" She gazed down upon you with a mean glint in her eye.

"Huh? What gave you that impression? She only had to kiss you because the bottle-" Eren was shut up by a soft punch to the jaw by Mikasa.

Ymir smirked as she leaned in closer to you. You pulled away, thinking she was going to kiss you again. But all she did was rest her chin on your shoulder and whisper into your ear. "I don't blame you, Y/N, Yelena really is all that. It's like I can still feel her on top of me. You can come back to me now. We are even now"

You pushed her away. "Even? What the fuck do you mean, even?"

"You cheated on me with Yelena!"

"We weren't together at the time, Ymir. It was after our break-up"

"That doesn't matter now. All is forgiven baby! We can go back to the way things used to be. Just you and me"

"What about Yelena? Where is she?"

"Last time I checked, that bitch had a 10pm apointment with Professor Yeager" She laughed as she said that.

Now she's fucking the teachers? Who's next, Jean?

Ok that was a bit far. Nobody would fuck Jean. Would they? Nah they wouldn't.

"What?" Eren's face was red as Mikasa's scarf.

"Oh, did I forget to mention? Eren, your big brother has a secret admirer" She chuckled to herself. "Yelena's a whore, Y/N, don't waste your time on her. Come back to me"

You felt like punching her. Fortunately, Eren did it for you. Well.. Attempted would be a better word for it.

He ran over to her with clenched fists and tried to plant a punch in her stomach. As he bent down to hit her, she retaliated with a knuckle sandwich. Which landed.

"Eren!" Mikasa rushed over. He was bleeding. She really knocked him out with a single punch. Impressive.. Or was Eren just really weak? I guess we'll never know.

"Ymir, what the fuck is wrong with you?" You helped Mikasa Lift up Eren.

"Little shit shouldn't have come flailing at me" She glared at him. "That's what he gets"

The room was tense. Suddenly Connie spoke up. "Uh, Ymir, I don't know where you came from because you weren't invited but.. Maybe it's better if you leave"

Ymir put a fake offensive look on her face. "Oh dear, I've been asked to leave.. Whatever shall I do.." She glared at Connie and gave him a thump on the head as she walked out the door"

"Y/N, call Zeke, he'll know what to do" Oh, great. Isn't that where Yelena is?

"But-" You tried to tell her about Ymir's comment.

"There's no time. The bleeding won't stop"

You sigh as you pick up Eren's phone. He's not going to answer, is he?

You call Zeke's number. Rings once. Twice. Twice and half. "Eren? I'm busy right now, what is it?"

This was going to be awkward..

"Uh, Zeke.. Sir.. Eren's unconscious. He got into another fight"

"Y/N? Oh shit. Where are you?" You suddenly realised you didn't know. You turn to Connie.

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