Chapter 11

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"Sooo.. Annie and Mikasa, huh? I never would've thought.."

"You're pretty stupid Eren, you wouldn't have noticed if you walked in on us" Mikasa retorted.

You nod your head in agreement.

"Anyway!" Eren raised his voice and sat down on your bed. "We were- Ew what the fuck?" He jumped up.

"Eren. I just had sex on that bed" You said in disgust.

"Are you on your period or something? There's blood.. Gross"

You and Mikasa looked at each other. She knew. You knew she knew. She knew you knew she knew.

"Let's just.." You pulled the covers over your bed. "You were saying, Eren?"

"We went to that new arcade right? And there's this game, it's so good, but I'm like, out of money now. I had to use Mikasa's"

Mikasa sighed.

"Of course you did, Eren"

"Right but that's not the best part. So anyway, as I was-"

"Hold on.. Have you guys seen these pictures?" Mikasa interrupted.

"There's a lot of pictures going around right now, specify?"


You gasped.

"Holy shit! That's Levi and Hange! Who got these photos? And how?" Eren was shocked.


They both looked at you.

"Ymir said she'd post something to disperse the rumors of me and Levi.."

"He's gonna be pisssssed" Eren laughed.

"They are naked.. How did she get this?" Mikasa said.

"I guess we'll have to see how this goes during the exam"

Eventually after a couple hours Eren left.

"I'm gonna go to bed, I'm pretty tired" Mikasa told you.

You nodded. "I'm pretty tired too"

The day of the exams arrived. You haven't studied a single bit since that day with Yelena.

You entered the class with Armin, who was avoiding both Mikasa and Annie for now. The room was tense. Levi had a face that dared anyone to ask him about the pictures.

"Anyone talks during this and you fail" Levi started. "Sit down and start"

You turned over your paper. "Shit" You muttered quietly. You had no idea how to answer the first question.

You lifted your head and looked around. Everyone else seemed to know these questions. Can't be too hard then.

You flipped through the paper and and answered whatever you could. There were a few questions you knew you aced.

When time was finally up you handed up your paper and left as soon as you could. You met Armin at the door.

"How do you think you did, Y/N?" Armin asked.

"Uh.. Not too well. I got a few questions though"

He laughed. "You'll probably get good. Maybe Levi will come through"

"Doubt it" You sighed. "Anyway.. Wanna go for lunch?"

He nodded.

You both walked to a cafe that was near the campus.

"We can sit over he-" Armin paused mid-sentence.

"What is it?" You looked where he was looking. "Oh"

Eren and Mikasa sat at a table and looked over at you both. Eren waved you over.

You glanced over at Armin. He nodded reluctantly and you walked over to them.

"Hey guys, sit down beside us, there's loads of room"

You both sat down opposite Eren and Mikasa.

"We haven't ordered yet so we can all order together" Eren said.

"Right, yeah" You replied.

Armin and Mikasa sat staring at each other.

The waiter came over and asked what we wanted.

"Uh.. I'll have.. Uh.. Gimme a minute" Eren glanced over the menu again.

"I'll just have the milkshake" You smiled at him.


"Surprise me"

"Okay, milkshake for you.. And the others?"

Eventually you all ordered and the waiter walked off.

"Soo... How do you guys think you did in the exam? I definitely failed" Eren sighed.

"Same here" You tried to ease the tension.

"I did fine" Armin replied, still in a pretty bad mood.

Mikasa tried to avoid his glare.

You and Eren could barely hold a proper conversation but you managed to held out until your lunch came.

"Ooh, strawberry" You tasted a bit. "Oh shit this is actually really nice"

"Mmmmmmmmmmm" Eren sighed happily as he took a bite out of his burger.

"You are such a noisy eater" Mikasa complained.

Armin tried to stifle a laugh.

You all looked at him. The blush was creeping over his nose and cheeks.

You grinned and kept on drinking your milkshake.

After you were all done eating, the tension had lessened, and Armin and Mikasa no longer looked like they were going to kill each other.

As Eren was blabbing about how tasty his food was you got up to pay for the milkshake.

You were standing in line when Armin came up to join you.

"You okay? Sorry if I put pressure on you to sit with them.." You said.

He shook his head. "No, no, it's fine. I think me and Mikasa are on better terms now. Even if slightly.."

You smiled. "Glad to hear that"

You paid and went to sit back down.

"You guys gonna- What are you looking at?" Eren and Mikasa were both looking out the window.

You climbed over Eren to get a better view.


"Shut up Eren"

You peered out.

"Is that..?" Your eyes widened. "Should we go do anything about that?"

Mikasa shook her head. "We can't get involved"

Armin walked over. "What happened? Also, Y/N, why are you in Eren's lap?"

Mikasa's head snapped towards you.

"Oh shit I didn't notice" You jumped off him.

"What's out the window?" Armin inquired.

"Yelena.. And Levi" You answered.

"Uh. What?"

"They are arguing. And look, there's Hange" Mikasa added.

"Why are they-"

"Well, I must have done pretty fucking bad on that test" You laughed.

"We need to get out of here before they see us" Mikasa said.

You all agreed. Eren and Mikasa paid and then you all went out the door, as quickly and quietly as you could.

Not quick enough, though.


For fuck's sake.

Yelena x Fem Reader (AOT)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora