The Beginning ~ Y1

Depuis le début

"I was told a car crash, but like I have told everyone, it was something else. I remember flashes of green light. A cloaked man, my baby brother, and feeling pain throughout my body. I remember my parents screaming. My dad protecting me. My mum crying. The man disappeared and my brother died. That's all I know. No one has ever believed me. They think I'm crazy." I explain.


"Jordan. Me and Professor Snape are teachers at a school. A school of magic. A school of witchcraft and Wizardry. You are a witch. And a very powerful one too. Your parents studied at my school." The old man says.

"Really? Prove it!" I say.

Dumbledore only smiles and lifts the pillows off my bed. They soar around the room and land back on my bed as if they hadn't moved. I stay in shock and in realization as I remember my father doing the same.

"A man named Tom Riddle attended my school years ago. He was a bright student but started pursuing the wrong kind of magic. Dark magic. Evil magic. He hunted down those who got in his way and killed them. He began collecting followers, Wizards, and Witches he wanted on his side. He wanted your parents to join him but they refused. One night he arrived at your home. He told your parents that if they didn't join him he would kill your whole family and everyone they loved. Your parents fought back. he ended up killing them. He went on to kill you and your brother but he couldn't. Once he cast that spell on you, he disappeared. It's been 7 years since that night, Jordan. Susan and Tom are squibs. I've known them for years and they agreed to take you in. You are one of the most famous Witches of our time. You survived the most dangerous spell in our world and the most powerful wizard using it. You hold a very powerful source of magic. Now that you are 11 years of age, you get to attend our school. You get to learn about magic and how to control it. School starts on The 1st of September. Tom and Susan know how to get you there."

I sit there stunned. I knew my parents didn't die in a car crash! I had one question though.

"Why didn't my brother survive and only me?" I ask the men. They looked at each other.

"Actually Jordan, he did. He has been living with your mum's sister for the past 7 years." Snape explained.

"What? My brother has been alive this whole time?" I scream with tears forming in my eyes.

"We are so sorry. But you have to understand it was safer for the both of you. His name is Harry James Potter. In our world, he is just as famous as you. You were the kids that survived. It is known that he has a scar on his forehead in the shape of a lightning bolt. You have a scar but a very different one. It lives inside of you and in time, I believe it will become of great use to you in near future."

I sit back down and rub my head. Harry is alive. as if reading my thought, Dumbledore speaks.

"He does not know the things you do. In a few years, he will know and be able to attend the school with you. For now, it is best you wait to meet him."

I nod my head. Dumbledore hands me a letter and he and Snape stand up.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Miss Potter. I look forward to seeing you in class," Snape says. Before they leave the room Snape stops and turns back to me. He pulls out what looks like a photograph out of his robes. He hands it to me and I gasp. It was a photo of my mum and dad. Together. Before they died. I looked up at Snape.

"I knew your mother very well Jordan. She was my best friend. It killed me to learn that she had died. I arrived at your house only minutes after the event. You look just like her you know. Her eyes, her nose, her smiles. You have blonde hair though, she had red. Your brother Harry looks just like your father, only he has your mum's eyes too."

Snape grabbed my hand a squeezed it before walking out. The men disappeared and I was left in my room.


Over the next month, Tom and Susan told me about the world of magic from what they knew. I was excited to go to Hogwarts. All I wanted though was to meet Harry again, He didn't even know who I was.

On the first of August, we traveled to London where I was supposed to collect my school supplies. We entered a small bar called the Leaky Cauldron. It was dark and dusty. The second I walked in the room went silent. Susan nudged me through the room but we almost immediately got stopped.

"Miss Potter! A pleasure it is"

"I can't believe after all these years. She's back!"

"There she is! She looks just like Lily,"

"How amazing! A Potter at Hogwarts!"

I heard everything as I walked out of the room. Tom and Susan had warned me about it already but I wasn't expecting that.

Tom tapped the brick wall 4 times with his cane and the wall started rearranging itself to reveal the most amazing thing.

Diagon Alley.

I stared in awe at everything around me. Amazing scents filled the air, kids running around with wands in their hands. Funny-looking people talked in hushed voices as a walked past. Susan and Tom took me into Ollivander's Wand Shop. They left me there so they could get my other supplies.

The shop was dark and dusty. Only a single lamp was lit. I walked up to the counter and looked around.

"Jordan Potter."

I turned around and found an old man with fizzy grey hair standing in a corner.

"The girl to defeat the Dark Lord lives," he says.

"Yeah, so I've been told," I say. He laughs. "Funny girl, just like your father. I remember them in this very shop picking out their own wands at your age," Mr. Olivander says. He walks over and grabs a small box. He opens it revealing a wand. He hands it to me.

"12 1/2 inches, Unicorn hair, and Cedar."

I wave the wand and Mr.Olivander gets knocked backward.

"Oh my goodness Sir I am so sorry," I say rushing over to help him up.

"I'm ok Jordan, maybe not that wand," he says shuffling over to another shelf. He pulls down another box and hands it to me. I take the wand wave it around. The empty flower vase sitting on the desk jumps up and shoots itself out of the window.

"Nope Nope and no." I smile as I hand him the wand back. He goes over and starts climbing the self until he grabs another one. He jumps down and hands it to me. I take the wand and wave it. Every single wand in the store begins to form a tornado-like shape around me. The lamp starts to flicker and the dust rises off the floor. The spinning of the wands stops and they fall to the ground. I look down and notice a wand right at my feet. I can hear. Mr.Olivander gasp as I pick it up.

"Where did you get that Miss Potter," he asks pointing to the wand in my hand.

"It was on the floor sir," I say calmly. Mr. Olivander backs away as I wave the wand. A gold light illuminated the tip of the wand and a gold string comes out, circling me. The light disappears and the lamp in the corner turns on again.

"I don't believe it," He says. "I have had this wand for over 50 years. I hid it so no one would ever take it. This wand found you, Miss Potter. Thestral tail-hair core, 15 inches..."

"Excuse me, sir?" I tried to say but Mr. Olivander said one more thing as he looked at me.

"The Elder Wand"

The Girl Who Lived // Wizarding World FanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant