Chapter 12 | Why Doesn't Anyone Want My Love?!

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"We got ready and we got to the school, but we never went in. Jake was a mess and he knew that if we went in there and he saw Mason, he would lose it. So we just went to Austin and Chase's and waited until we knew you were asleep." Kara says.

"Why? Y'all literally showed me all of the pictures before y'all went and told me how great it was. Why lie?"

"Because, we didn't want you to feel bad. You were in a tough spot Em." Kara says softly.

"So you thought lying to me would be a better option?"

"Emma, put yourself in our shoes for a second. Our best friend had just gone through, and still was going through, the worst time in her life. While you were at home, having locked yourself in your room and feeling broken, we were getting ready to go to some dance? You couldn't possibly expect us to enjoy the night." Sierra says.

"I guess," I say, looking down.

Everyday I find something else that they gave up for me.

Don't they resent me yet?

"Hey, we love you." Kara says, reaching over to grab my hand. I smile, squeezing her hand.

"I love y'all too." I say, getting up from my chair and walking over to give them a hug.

"Now come on, y'all have pictures to take." I say, causing them to laugh. As if right on cue, my mom calls us from downstairs

"Girls! The boys are here!"  Kara and Sierra fly around me gathering their things and I leave first to meet Jake and Chase at the end of the stairs.

"Wow--Oh, it's just you." Jake starts faking a shocked look. I laugh, punching him lightly in the shoulder.

Jake is wearing a burgundy button up with black slacks. Chase is wearing a black button up with black slacks and beige tie. 

"Just you wait." I say with a grin, standing off to the side. Jake and Chase talk to each other for a minute before we hear heels hitting our wood floors.

Kara and Sierra both emerge at the top of the staircase, making their grand entry down the stairs. It's like what you would see in a movie, and I look over at Jake and Chase to see their reactions.

They both stop talking mid sentence and just stare. I even see their jaws drop slightly before it's replaced with a smile.

"Baby, you look hermosa." Chase tells Sierra, causing her to blush.

"'re stunning." Jake says, smiling at her before giving her a quick kiss on her cheek.

They're so cute.

While the guys were fawning over Kara and Sierra the doorbell rings. I go to open the door and I meet Austin leaning against our door with a rose in his mouth, his date Jazmine looking at him with amusement.

He's wearing a lavender colored button up with black slacks, matching Jazmine's dress.

"For you my love." He says, taking the rose out and handing it to me.

I shut the door on his face, laughing at him.

"Emma! That was rude!" He yells from the other side of the door.

I continue laughing as I open the door again, seeing that Travis and his date, Chloe, have joined him.

Travis has on all black, like Chase, but he doesn't have a tie on. I would expect nothing less from Travis. He hates dressing up.

"Did he play that dumb rose trick on you too?" Travis asks, rolling his eyes.

"Why doesn't anyone want my love?" Austin asks exasperatedly.

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