Chapter 7

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What was that all about? I thought as I blinked to the old doughnut shop. I needed to think so I blinked in and went to the counter and took a doughnut.

I didn't know how long these doughnuts had been around but I couldn't think now. All I could think about was her soft warm lips on my cheek.

She's my sister, I thought. I can't think of her like this, I would creep her out. Heck, I was creeping myself out. Was something wrong with me?

She did say she liked me, though but she explained that all sisters liked their brothers. Was she telling the truth then? Was I just misunderstanding her?

I had to bury my emotions and forget about them because I didn't want to creep her or anyone else out. We had to survive, goddamnit! Why was I thinking of her chocolate brown eyes at this hour?

Her brown eyes were the type you could get lost in. You might think I'm a creep but I remember spending hours staring at them while she was unconscious. That is really creepy. Why did I do that?

I wondered if she liked or felt the same way towards me like I felt about her. No, I needed to focus on finding the right equations to get us home so that we could go back to our normal lives.

I opened the notebooks to do the necessary calculations but I felt my mind go blank. I felt so useless like I couldn't think of anything other than those eyes, those lips, her straight brown hair that looked like a chocolate waterfall.

I buried my face in my hands not knowing what to do.


I stared out of the hut wondering where Five was. My body felt weak as I walked around the hut wondering why all my bones ached. It was getting dark so I sat on a tree stump just trying to think of something. Five did say he was going to come back but he had been gone for hours. I mean, this wasn't unlike Five. Back at the academy, he would be gone but at least the rest of our siblings were away with him. Should I go and look for him, I thought. I hoped he was alright.

I bundled up trying to focus on reading books from Five's junk pile but nothing could distract me from the fact that Five was gone.

I got up and put on my blazer. It was still cold but I knew wherever Five was, he was probably much colder.

Did Five go somewhere far? I thought. It was possible considering the fact he could do space jumps. I walked around aimlessly for about an hour, my feet just going forward when I saw a silhouette in an old building.

I peered in wondering who it was. It could be Five but it was so dark that I couldn't see much anyway.

I pulled on the door trying to open it. Even if it wasn't Five, maybe someone was stuck in there? I thought. The door wasn't locked but extremely tight.

I sunk down to the ground wondering what to do. Someone was stuck in there and if I didn't help, I knew I would blame myself for a long time.

Suddenly, the wind stopped blowing and everything faded to black.

Vanya x Five: Jump with me?Where stories live. Discover now