Chapter 1: Going to the future

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Five ran out of the house in a huff. He would show them. He would show dad that time travel was easy, that he could do it. He had been training 13 years of his life for this.
Five had only been running for a few minutes when he heard someone breathing heavily behind him. Five turned around and saw Vanya running, trying to catch up with him. Five stopped and Vanya approached him.
"Vanya, what are you doing?" he asked.
Vanya stopped, trying to catch her breath.
"I'm coming with you. I won't let you time travel alone," she said staring at him straight in the face.
"You're going home. You hear me? It's not safe. Like dad said, we might turn into acorns." Five replied giving her a little push in the direction of the academy.
"We're not literally gonna turn into acorns, Five. I'm coming with you. I'm not a baby. I can take care of myself," Vanya said trying to stand her ground.
"Yeah, right." Five said, chuckling.
Vanya gave him a look.
"Yeah, ok sure. Vanya come along then. Don't complain if you turn into an acorn." Five said outstretching his hand so that she could hold it.
Vanya glared at him and took his hand.

"Alright, on a count of three. We jump, ok?" Five said, opening  a portal.
"One, two..." Vanya and Five jumped through the portal.
"Where are we?" Vanya asked as she looked around.
"Around two days into the future. Come on, we have to be fast," Five said opening up another portal.
Vanya and Five continued jumping until...

"Five, where are we?" Vanya asked.
"This doesn't look like Argyle City." Vanya said, holding her nose. There was a burning smell coming from somewhere.
"This doesn't look like any city, Vanya," Five said, scrunching up his nose. Five held Vanya's hand and they both tried to jump again but the current of the portal kept pushing them back.

"Jesus! Why won't this work? I thought I studied this enough, back at the academy." Five exclaimed.
"Five! Look," Vanya called.
Five turned to look in the direction of where she was pointing to. In front of them stood the Umbrella Academy, or what was left of it. Both of them looked down. There was rubble all around them. As far as the eye could see. Five looked closer under the rubble and gasped.
"What is it?" Vanya asked peering down.
"Is that? Our siblings?"

Vanya could clearly make out her sister's face in the rubble. The woman did look older but her eyes were the same. Vanya felt a tear fall on her cheek. Five tried not to cry but he put his arm around Vanya as they sat in the rubble. Vanya buried her face in Five's blazer.

"When do you think this happened? We shouldn't have left. You shouldn't have left," Vanya sobbed. Five felt his eyes fill up with tears when he found Ben underneath the rubble but he couldn't cry. Not in front of Vanya.

Five wiped up his tears and got up brushing his shorts. "Come on, we gotta find something. Anything that can tell us, when we are." He helped Vanya stand up. Vanya wiped her tears with her blazer sleeve.

Vanya and Five walked around trying to gauge which year they were stuck in. "From what we've seen, we're definitely in Argyle City. I mean, parts of the academy is still standing." Five said, walking through the rubble.
"I definitely think we jumped far into the future. Like our... dead siblings look old," Vanya sniffed.
"Let's just keep looking, I guess," Five replied.

Five and Vanya walked for a long time. The time wasn't clear but the sky was turning pinkish or as pink as it could be under all the smog. Vanya's stomach growled with hunger. They left home at breakfast and it was clear that it was at least 4 pm.
"Do you wanna stop?" Five asked.
"Why?" Vanya asked determined to go on no matter how loud her stomach was.
"You're obviously hungry," Five laughed.
"What would we eat? In this place?" Vanya asked, throwing her hands up in the air.
"I don't think we can even find water, here. We're probably gonna die," Vanya said, sitting down on the rubble, exhausted.

Five bent down and sat next to her.
"Hey, remember what I told you. Don't complain if you turn into an acorn." Five whispered, his breath warm in her ear.
"Shut up, Five," Vanya said, inching away from him. Five's face scrunched up in annoyance. "Look, I'm just trying to make the situation lighter, alright. I don't like this either."
"Well, it's not funny, Five. You're not helping," Vanya replied.
"You, moping around ever since we found the bodies isn't making me feel any better either," Five remarked. Five knew he just hit a nerve but at the moment, he just didn't care.

Vanya's face looked like thunder. "What the hell? Don't you have a heart? At this point, I don't even know why I liked you in the first place."
Five gasped. "You... you liked me?" Five turned around to look at her but she was gone.

Author's note: I hope the formatting is alright. Feel free to comment on what you liked and      disliked!

Vanya x Five: Jump with me?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora