That girl gave her the creeps for some reason. Sure, she absolutely radiated "cool energy", but there was something about her that Sunny couldn't shake. Cat reminded her of Val.

Val, that motherfucker. She promised herself that if she ever saw his ugly face again he'd be greeted with a solid right hook.

Sunny shifted her attention to Kobra. He seemed to have given up on his drawing and was gazing out the window again. Upon further inspection, she gathered that he might have drawn a unicorn, but she wasn't entirely sure. There was red glitter glue around the border and bits of colorful paper pasted to make a green landscape and fluffy clouds. She couldn't hold back the smile that forced itself onto her face.

The innocence of that drawing reminded her of childhood, or whatever semblance of childhood she'd had. The Killjoys could all act childish at times, or in Ghoul's case, most of the time, but it was different with her. Something told her that her childhood had died a long time ago.

Everything in Battery City felt like such a long fucking time ago. And she'd almost died a long, long time ago. Jesus. She looked down at her hands. She hadn't noticed they were shaking. What the fuck?

Aw, shit.

"You're not the boss of her."

High ceilings.

"You know what we have to do! You can't act like she's normal when you know she's not."

Cold walls.

"Why not? She needs to just be a kid!"

Freezing halls.

"I told you, we've talked about this. We can't ignore it forever."

So many hands.

"The kid is a freak."


"That 'kid' is Kenny and she's our daughter."


"And 'our daughter' is a fucking freak."


"Hey," Kobra said softly, leaning in close. Sunny's head jolted a little. Okay, she was back to earth now.


You're a freak.

He raised his eyebrows. "Want to get out of here? I'm down for a drive if you are."

"Way down." If there was anyone who could calm her down, it was Kobra. Something about his almost awkward voice and general aura was so comforting. "As long as I'm not behind the wheel. I can't drive for shit."

"Cool." The corner of his mouth twitched up and he sniffed, pushing away from the table. "Let's head out, then."

"You guys leavin'?" Ghoul swung around and put his hands on his hips. "I swear to Sky Daddy, if you two fuck in that car I'm never letting you take it anywhere ever again."

Jet gave him a look. "Oh, as if you and Pois don't get freaky in there all the time."

"Shut up!"

"Well I'm sure he'll shut you up in a minute."

Well, that was their cue to leave.

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