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"Fuck. Fuck. I fucked up." Poison frantically looked around, holding up Jet's head as he slowly lost consciousness. "I need medical assistance! Not you, Kobra. I need medical assistance!"

She might actually pass out. The right half of Jet's face was red and bloody and... holy shit what happened to his eye?

"It wasn't my fault! You should've warned him!"

"My fault? You were the one holding it!"

She shouldn't keep looking. She really shouldn't. But what was that thing called? Cacospectamania? AKA not being able to look away from repulsive shit? Something along those fucking lines. It didn't matter what it was called because at the moment, Jet needed immediate help and she sure as hell wasn't doing anything.

"What in the hell did you guys do?" Kobra's voice was almost apathetic, but his face had drained of all color. Sunny inched towards him and reached for his hand without thinking. He took it.

Oh. Rad.

"The fuck do you think?" Ghoul pointed at Jet's now completely unconscious form. "Someone blew his eye out! Now does anyone know what the fuck to do here?"

Sunny prayed that he wouldn't look at her. She could hardly apply a fucking bandaid and this would take a lot more skill than a little bandaging to clean up. Poison had given up on keeping Jet upright and was now staring at him helplessly. He looked just as clueless as Sunny felt. She hooked the thumb of her free hand through a belt loop and tugged. "Should one of us go get Fall-Out?"

"She can fuck off." Cat had materialized behind them and began to pull out various bottles, bandages, and surgical-looking tools from... her pockets? "I'll do it." She knelt down and shooed Poison away. "Move, Party. Don't mess me up now. And you owe me one."

It only took one more look at Jet's mangled face to convince Sunny to go back inside. As much as she wanted to stay for moral support, she didn't want to eject the contents of her stomach onto anyone. She made eye contact with Kobra and jerked her head toward the diner. He nodded in understanding before tapping Pois on the shoulder. "We're gonna leave you guys alone." Then quieter, "It'll be okay."

Poison smiled unconvincingly and went back to hover over Cat like a chronically anxious vulture. Sunny hoped with all her heart that it really would be okay. She couldn't let herself think of what it would mean if Jet were to...

"Let's go, right?" Kobra pulled closer to the door and Sunny followed. Her heart smiled a little when she realized he hadn't let go of her hand.

- - - - - - - - - -

Two hours and one eyepatch later, Jet-Star was looking slightly better, but pissed all the same. "Why the hell," he groaned, "did you think that would be a good idea?"

"Well, I—"

Jet held up a hand wearily. "That was rhetorical. Don't talk to me."

"But we—"


"I didn't mean—"

"Not another word. I lost an eye, okay? Leave me alone."

Sunny wasn't sure what to do exactly. This was the first time she'd seen Jet-Star truly upset and she felt wildly out of place. His remaining brown eye was downcast and dulled, while Poison seemed to be on the verge of tears. Kobra was sitting across from her, distracting himself with arts and crafts, and Ghoul was trying in vain to console Jet.

She had no idea where Dani and Cat were. They'd disappeared as soon as Cat had finished her work, which was partly a relief since she didn't really like them, but part of her wished they were still there so she had someone to talk to. To be fair, Dani was nice enough. Seemed like someone she could be friends with if they got to know each other better. Plus, she was cute. But Cat on the other hand...

Look Alive, SunshineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon