I did know that. I don't know why I suddenly forgot. I had read the scrolls.

Why wasn't I thinking as clearly. I looked at Luigi. He was still unconscious. I watched as his chest slowly rose and fell. His brown hair was slightly messed up, his hat slightly dirty.

"Hey! Are you paying attention?" Dimentio snapped his fingers in my face, making me look back at him. "Did you even hear anything I just said?" I nodded. "Uh, yeah. We were talking about the time limit, right?" He facepalmed, then looked at Luigi. "Ahh, I see. You were looking at him, weren't you." I shook my head. "What? No, No! I wasn't!" He smiled. "You LIKE him, don't you?" "No! No, shut up." He shook his head. "Well, good. Because he's MY partner, and MY friend. I don't want you to just show up, only to break his oversized heart."

Um, WHO DID THIS GUY THINK HE WAS, MAKING ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT ME! "Um, EXCUSE ME?? What makes you think I'd just break his heart??" He looked down. "I just, don't want you to hurt him. He's been hurt plenty. He doesn't need anymore pain." No. This had to be deeper than that. Last time I saw them, they didn't even seem that close! "No, tell me! I don't even like him. Why are you getting so protective?" He shook his head. "I'm not." "Tell me!" "Stay in your lane Daisy....." "NO. TELL ME!"


Dimentio buried his face in his hands.

"You hurt him?" I asked. He let out a small laugh. "I hurt everyone. But if there's one person I've wronged the most, it's him. Him and L."

L? Who's L??

He sighed. "He trusted me. He was my friend, and I went and blew him up. He was the only person who cared and I betrayed him." I stayed silent. How do I respond to this?? He continued. "He has just gone through so much. I don't want him going through anymore pain."

I sighed. "Well, you don't have to worry about anything. I'm not gonna hurt him. I'm just gonna get this key for you guys and be on my way again. Sound good?" He looked up at me and nodded, a slightly sad look in his eyes. "Okay." Dimentio shook his head and smiled. "Enough of this pity party. We have work to do."

Luigi POV

Ugh. Everything hurt. The last thing I remember was getting tased. I saw Dimentio run towards me, but then everything went dark.

I heard voices. I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was fuzzy. Oww, my head. I felt dizzy.

I heard two different voices. One I could identify as Dimentio's voice. I'd know his laugh anywhere. The other voice...it was a female's voice.

"D-Daisy?" I slowly asked. My vision kept fading in and out of focus. I saw Dimentio and Daisy look down at me. It looked like we were in a jungle. Dimentio kneeled down in front of me. "Luigi? Luigi?? Are you okay? Oh, I'm so sorry for letting you get hit."

I looked up at the two. "Daisy! You're here!" She smiled. "Yep. I'm here."

I looked into her beautiful blue eyes. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Dimentio looked slightly hurt. "Dimentio? Are you okay?" He looked over. "What? Yes. I'm fine. I'm fine. Anywho, we have a plan to get the next key. We just need to wait for me to get my magic back."

My eyes went wide. I sat up. "What? That's great news!!! How?" Daisy looked into my eyes and gave me a reassuring smile. "I'm going to get it."

I looked at her, then at Dimentio, then back at her. "Wait, really? But I thought you didn't want to come with us." She shook her hands in front of her. "I don't, but according to Dimentio, neither of you can go to the Underwhere, and with his Magic, it should be pretty easy for me to get."

Trust (A SPM Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora