Chapter III

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Seth POV
Drizzt and I ride together through Icewind Dale, listening to the eastern wind filling our ears with its endless song. Drizzt has kept his cowl low, hiding his ebony skin. A good thing too, as we have passed several small groups on our way along the caravan route to Ten-towns. Drizzt had nodded curtly to each passerby, and I offered a wave and small smile. Many seemed surprised to see one so young on the road to Ten-towns, but say nothing. I have not changed much in six years, my hair has grown longer, my muscles more pronounced, but that is the only difference. My face has not aged a day. Three lakes dominate the region, along with the rocky peak of Kelvin's Cairn, the solitary mountain in the region. We head to the principal city, Bryn Shander.
"Merchants?" Asks one if the guards standing bored before the iron-bound portal.
"Ye're a bit late in the year for trading."
"No merchants," Drizzt replies softly, and I can see he is losing his nerve now that the moment of truth is at hand.
"From what town, then?" The other guard asks.
"From Mirabar." I answer with a smile. Then Drizzt pulls back his hood before anymore distracting questions can be asked. Their eyes widen, and their hands immediately fall to their sword hilts.
"No!" Drizzt retorts suddenly.
"No, please." He sounds so tired, that I move myself between him and the soldiers.
"We have come from Mirabar," he continues, his voice growing steadier as he goes on.
"To Ten-towns to reside in peace." He holds his hands out wide and I move mine to the reins of my horse, away from my axes and dagger.
"Wait here," one of the guards tells the other, who seems adverse to being left alone with us.
"I will go inform Spokesman Cassius." He bangs on the gate, and slips inside as soon as it is opens wide enough to let him through. The remaining guard eyes us unblinking, hand never leaving his sword hilt.
"You know, most other places by this time would have sent us away with weapons and insults. This has been the most polite meeting so far." I remark to him.
"Are you a slave then, is that why you stay with him?"
"I am no slave, Drizzt and I are friends." The guard stares at me, a look of disbelief on his face.
"I know, I know, it's so hard to believe!" He snorts in amusement, posture relaxing slightly.
"You should have seen the dwarves at Citadel Adbar! They were particularly rude, I didn't even get to say a word to them, nevermind Drizzt! Still, it was more expected than anything else. I had never met dwarves before, they certainly made a first impression." The guard snorts, reaching up to cover his mouth in amusement. The gate then opens, allowing the other guard along with a small and slender man, clean shaven with sharp, bright blue eyes. He has finer clothes than the guards, and by the amount of respect he is shown by the guards, we know he must be of high rank. He studies Drizzt and I for a long while, causing me to smile. He studies my smile, then focuses his attention on me.
"How did you come into this dark elf's company?"
"I found him while traveling near Maldobar. We have travelled together for the last 6 years."
"Your age?" He asks, eyebrows crinkling in confusion.
"I am 21."
"You don't look it."
"I doubt I ever will." His attention then moves to Drizzt.
"I am Cassius," he finally introduces, attention moving to encompass both of us.
"Spokesman of Bryn Shander and Principle Spokesman of Ten-towns' Ruling Council." Drizzt dips a short bow.
"I am Drizzt Do'Urden, of Mirabar and points beyond. My companion is Seth, we have come to Ten-towns."
"Why?" Cassius asks sharply, trying to catch us off guard. I check the first 4 witty responses, Drizzt shrugs.
"Is a reason required?"
"For a dark elf, perhaps." At least he's being upfront and honest. Drizzt gives him an accepting smile, which seems to surprise both Cassius and the guards.
"We can offer no reason for coming, beyond our desire to come. Long has been our road, Spokesman Cassius. We are weary and in need of rest. Ten-towns is the place of rogues, we have been told, and no doubt that a dark elf and his companion are rogues among the dwellers of the surface."
"Bryn Shander is not your place," Cassius says bluntly after a long time of thought. I tune out the rest of the conversation between him and Drizzt. Drizzt dismounts, and I follow his example. We hand our horses over to one of the guards, who leaves and returns with the supplies we need.
"Where are we going?" I ask Drizzt as we set off yet again.
"To a cave near a dwarven settlement."
"Dwarves? Oh how cute, where are the little blighters." Drizzt rolls his eyes at my remark, before shaking his head and taking the lead. We avoid the sentries, but Drizzt decides to take a detour up a climb with steps carved into it. I grin at the view it provides, a sight of five cities, glowing softly in the darkness. The sight is peaceful, and I find myself drifting off. A tap to my shoulder wakes me up, and I follow Drizzt down the climb, around a grumbling dwarf who was approaching. We have settled into our cave, and before too long, I am stretched out in my wolf form, snoozing away. My pack is doing well, though most have stopped phasing to be with their Imprint. Even Leah has Imprinted, leaving me alone. So my thoughts are my own, with no voices of my friends arguing in the background. I dream of ice cream, surprisingly enough. Oh I miss ice cream! Oreos! Mac and Cheese! Pizza! Burgers! I hear Drizzt chuckle, and wake up.
"Dreaming of food again are you?" He laughs, tossing me a bread roll. I bite off a hunk, chewing slowly, and thinking about what we could do here. Drizzt had explained that we are mostly here to warn Ten-towns of any incoming threats, but I have a feeling those will not come often. Still, I spend my day sparring with Drizzt, scouting for threats, or playing with Guenhwyvar. On one of those playdates, we come across a young human girl.
"Keep yerself back cat!" She shouts at Guenhwyvar, only the slightest tremor on her voice. I phase back into my human form.
"My apologies young miss-" I am interrupted by Guenhwyvar's roar.
"Guenhwyvar and I are playing. I'm Seth by the way, Guen stay." A throaty rumble is the only warning I get befors I am play tackled to the ground.
"Get off me you giant furry slug! You're scaring the poor kid!" A giggle from the 11 year old girl contradicts my statements. Drizzt comes hurrying down. The girl whirls to face him, and freezes. I groan as she runs away in the next moment. Drizzt seems to emerge from his memories in the next second.
"What were you remembering?" I ask him, scratching Guenhwyvar under the chin.
"The surface raid."
"Oh, why? Did the child look like her?"
"Their eyes had the same sparkle." We head back to the cave in silence. I pull Drizzt close as we sit down, before phasing, keeping him sheltered from the wind and warm by the fire. The onslaught of winter soon begins, and we mostly stay in our cave. A thaw comes, and the girl returns, Guen finds her first and she follows Guen to us. She introduces herself as Catti-brie, adopted daughter of Bruenor Battlehammer. Her father is the King of the dwarves who dwell near us, Clan Battlehammer. She is an energetic girl, and I can't help but view her as a younger sister. We trade tales all day, until Drizzt notices the sun getting low.
"Do you want someone to walk you back?" I ask her, head tilted to the side.
"No, Bruenor wouldn't understand, and ye'd get me in a mountain o' trouble. I can get back, don't ye be worrying! I know these trails better than yerselves, and ye couldn't keep up to me if ye tried!" We promise to see each other next thaw, or in the spring if no more come. I wrap her and Drizzt in a quick group hug.
"Alright then little sister, off you go!" She runs off down the slopes. Drizzt and I look for her the next thaw, and hear her calling from the valley. I sprint down there, reaching her first and when Drizzt and Guen reach us, we all share more tales and a picnic lunch Catti-brie brought.
"I could give you a ride if you want." I tell her, before phasing into my wolf form. She nods eagerly, climbing onto my back and I jog around the picnic. I only go at half speed, not wanting her to get hurt. She skips off in the evening, heading back to the dwarven home. When spring comes, Drizzt and I are startled to hear shouting from the lower slopes of the mountain. When we run to help, we find a dwarf fighting some huge monster. We rush forward, I pull my axes from their holders at my hips. But, by the time we get there, the monster is dead. The dwarf turns to us, banging his axe against his shield.
"Come on!" He roars at us, clearly thinking we are here to fight him.
"Come on and feel me blade!"
"No thank you, the reason we came down here is dead." I tell him, as Drizzt sends Guen off. I turn around, and walk off after Drizzt. A few days later, Catti-brie comes running up to us.
"Ye never speaked o' the Thistledowns of Maldobar." I flinch, smile vanishing as I shut my eyes.
"So that was their name. We killed no one."
"No one but the monsters that slew the Thistledowns. On our word!" Drizzt promises her, then he tells her our story.
"So ye thought ye saved them. But that thing doubled ye." She says to me afterwards.
"Yes. I thought I had beaten it. Sent it off running, but I was wrong."
"Ye weave two tales apart, yerselves and McGristle, I mean."
"McGristle?" Drizzt gasps, and I curl my lip in a scowl.
"Came in today," Catti-brie explains.
"Big man with two yellow dogs. He's hunting ye." I glance at Drizzt wondering what to do.
"McGristle said ye killed them," Catti-brie continues.
"Then you have our words alone," Drizzt reasons.
"And there is no evidence to prove either tale." The ensuing silence seems to last a while.
"Never did like that ugly brute." Catti-brie sniffs, managing a smile. I smile at her, but I glance at Drizzt, wondering about our next move.
"What'll ye do?" Catti-brie asks.
"Don't worry about us, little sister. You though, should be heading back home, it's almost nightfall.
"He'll find ye," she replies grimly.
"No," Drizzt says calmly.
"Not soon anyway. With Guenhwyvar by our sides, we will keep Roddy McGristle away until we can figure our best course. Now, be off! The night comes swiftly and I do not believe that your father would appreciate your coming here." She bids farewell, then gives us both a hug. When she leaves I turn to Drizzt.
"I say we drive him off. He's the one who brought the orcs to the grove, and he's been hunting us ever since." Drizzt sighs, looking away.
"Watch over Catti-brie Seth, make sure she comes to no harm." I nod, and follow after her. Soon, I hear voices ahead of me.
"Ye'll take me to the drow, girl, don't ye doubt. But mighten be there's other things we can do first, things to show ye not to mess with Roddy McGristle." I snarl, sprinting forwards and ripping him from Catti-brie, at the same moment as she knees him in the crotch.
"Go! I'll deal with this one!" I tell her, glaring at Roddy. She runs off, I glare at Roddy. He looses his dogs, and I grab them out of the air. Slamming them into the mountain wall, I whirl and grab his axe hilt before he can slam his axe into my head. Drizzt comes running up, and Roddy turns to him. Drizzt glances at my face coated in fury, and steps back. I launch forward, grabbing Roddy around the neck.
"Why are you hunting us, McGristle? Nevermind, I don't care! If you so much as glance at Catti-brie again, I will snap your filthy neck. This I promise you." I throw him hard against the mountain wall.
"Leave, before I kill you."
"Such a loyal pet you are! Protecting your master! A loyal slave!" McGristle shouts, and I punch him in the face, knocking him unconscious.
"Let's go Drizzt." I tell him, taking my bag and walking off. Drizzt makes sure Roddy is alive before we leave. As we sit on the climb overlooking the region of a home we would not have, we see a wagon ride by, the bounty hunters. I glance at Drizzt in confusion, and he shrugs. Then, the dwarf that we saw fighting the monster comes up. He seems to be talking to Drizzt anyway, so I tune out the conversation. I catch the end enough to understand that the dwarf is telling us 'welcome home'. I grin at Drizzt, who smiles back.
"Race you home!" I call out, turning on my heel and sprinting for the cave. We lay together on the floor once we get there.
"You know I'll never leave right? There is no place for me at home, everyone has moved on, and I'm nothing more than a story mentioned in passing." I grin out at the dale, looking forwards to exploring it. Over the next few days, I spend my time racing across the fields, killing tundra yetis as I come across them. I am shocked to come across a tribe of humans. I stare at their hunters, then back away from my second killed deer, throwing the first across my shoulders and leaving. I can hear them whispering behind me in their language. After that first encounter, I see a lot more of this tribe. I ask a few towns people about them, and they say they are the Barbarians of Icewind Dale. I frown at that, and take more time to travel across the plains. I end up meeting several children while playing with Guenhwyvar. They giggle as they watch us, and I phase back, giving them a smile and wave before returning to my wolf form and giving Guen a play bow. The years pass almost without me noticing. I watch over the tribes, protecting them from orcan bands and goblin tribes. They view my passing with smiles. Soon, a larger tribe comes into the area, the Tribe of the Wolf. It's been 5 years, as Catti-brie is 16 now. But, to my surprise, the tribes do not follow the antelope. A large tent is erected, Hengorot, the Mead Hall. But, that's only erected before battle, oh no, which tribe are they going after! No, they're gathering, that means, SHIT! I race off across the tundra, heading towards where I know Drizzt is meeting with Bruenor. I sprint off across the plains, in half an hour, I have met up with Drizzt and Bruenor. We are 5 miles from the spot, but, the corpses of two tundra yetis explain why. Drizzt was obviously slowed down them, and Bruenor went looking for him.
"Heyo Bruenor! The Tribes will head for Ten-towns, all of them." Drizzt's eyes widen.
"The final tribe, the Elk, will reach the Hengorot before moonset tonight." I continue as we walk, Drizzt turns back to me.
"After we have met with Regis, I think you should go back to keep watch on them." I grin, nodding swiftly. When we meet with Regis, I explain what I have seen. Between he, Bruenor, and Drizzt, they manage to make a plan. As I journey back towards Hengorot, I hum 'Woman Like Me' under my breath. Upon reaching it, I watch silently as the Tribe of the Elk arrives, singing the Song of Tempos. The tribes within Hengorot respond with their own versions of the song. I crouch, hidden behind flaps of deerskin behind Hengorot. The song goes on for many minutes. When it ends, I listen to the herald of the arriving king Heafstaag. I listen to the conversation that happens, scowling in anger at the southerner who is betraying the people of Ten-towns. Once formalities are set aside, and the celebration begins, I slip away. After two days, Drizzt meets up with me. Together we listen to the final plans of the attacking force. Drizzt sends out Guenhwyvar as a distraction to keep the attention off our departure. While we run off, Guen soon catching up with us, Drizzt and I come up with a defense plan. The ambush will be deadly, and the Tribes will lose.
"You know this means that there will not be enough men to hunt. I'll do it, but Drizzt, the orcan tribes are becoming agitated, something is out there."
"Perhaps, but focus on helping them survive the winter." We split up after that, him headed for Ten-towns, and I for the dwarven mines to add an extra sharp edge to my axes. By the time midday arrives I am standing next to Drizzt. The battle is quick, and soon, we are separated in the chaos. I am protecting the men of Redwaters, taking down many tribesmen. My weapons slice into them with ease, but my heart is not in this fight. On the one hand, the Tribes are the aggressors here, on the other, every man I kill means another family potentially starving to death. I break away a few minutes later, trying to find Drizzt. It is not until the final blows have been struck, that I do. The sight of Kemp, Spokesman of Targos and one of many who owes Drizzt his life, kicking him while he's down for fun makes me see red. In a second, I am stepping over Drizzt's prone form, and socking Kemp across the face at the same time as Bruenor's rock hard fist slams into his kidney. Kemp falls, a gush of blood and several teeth falling from his mouth as he groans, clutching his side. I whirl on the man beside Kemp. Bruenor has already dealt with him with a shout of.
"One for yerself, too!" As he punches the man, who had conveniently ducked low to avoid an imagined blow from me, straight in the face. A cry of anger from higher on the hill catches my attention. I turn to see Cassius heading for us. He looks furious.
"You should be taught some diplomacy!" He shouts at me and Bruenor.
"Diplomacy! Tell that to the whiny cunt on the floor! He, like all of you, owes Drizzt his life! And yet, he kicks him while he is wounded! He is damn lucky I didn't rip his head off! That is the extent of my diplomacy!" There is silence on the hill. Bruenor nods along with what I said.
"Ware your words, boy." Cassius tells me, hand falling tentatively to his sword hilt.
"Ware your own, Cassius." Agorwal, Spokesman of Termalaine warns as he walks up to us. I pick up Drizzt, smoothing his hair back.
"I would have done the same thing to Kemp if I was possessed of the courage of the dwarf and lad!" He points north.
"The sky is clear," he yells.
"Yet were it not for the drow, it would be filled with the smoke of burning Termalaine." His men join the dwarves in surrounding Bruenor and I, two men come up to stand beside me.
"Come, boy." Agorwal tells me, before turning to Bruenor.
"Fear not for your friend, valiant dwarf. He will be well tended in my city. Never again shall I, or my fellow men of Termalaine, prejudge him by the colour of his skin and the reputation of his kin!" A smile spreads across my face, and I grin down at Drizzt, then we are off back to Termalaine
"Remove your soldiers from the grounds of Bryn Shander!" Cassius screams at Agorwal, pointlessly, because we're already leaving.
"I'll not forget this!" Kemp shouts, whether at me or Bruenor I have no clue.
"Shut up you mewling quim!" I yell back, Agorwal quirks a smile at me. Once we reach Termalaine, we hurry into a medbay, while the men celebrate their victory with their families. I stay by Drizzt's bedside until he is conscious. Only after he is fully healed, do I leave and return to hunting. I was correct, there are next to no men left in the Tribes. I make sure they get through the winter, pushing the tribes together. That means that their resources are pooled and I don't have to worry about accidentally missing a far off group. The only Tribe really left, the only one with a king remaining, is the Tribe of the Elk. I have seen King Heafstaag watching me on more than one occasion. To my dismay however, the situation with the goblins and orcs becomes worse. Tribes of them are disappearing off to the north, vanishing without a trace. Now I make an odd decision, I had taken small weapons from the dwarven armouries, weapons I had forged. These daggers were for the children of the Tribes, in case they ever had to defend themselves. I teach them well, all of them, making sure that none are left out. I see some of the men whispering to Heafstaag, explaining that I was a recent helpful spirit that watched over those who could not fight, a peaceful son of Tempos. As such, they leave me alone. I do not differentiate between the boys and girls as I teach them how to fight. This decision causes some unrest, as girls are not traditionally taught combat. I look up at one of the Elders who came to talk with me.
"Tribes of orcs and goblins are vanishing without a trace, caravans as well. I believe they are massing, something is coming, every member must be able to protect themselves." He nods, and leaves me to it. Later, as I return to Drizzt, I find him after almost a week, sitting with a man I recognize as Heafstaag's herald. They are watching the fires of some of the tribes that had separated, there are two tribes now, those of the Elk, and those of the Bear. I walk over to them, and Drizzt turns to me with a smile.
"So this is where you moved to Drizzt. Who is this, I've forgotten his name."
"I am Wulfgar, son of Beornegar. Who are you?"
"Seth, I have watched over your people for over a decade now." His eyes widen.
"You are the wolf spirit! Those of the Tribe of the Wolf spoke of you in great detail! You are not as I had pictured."
"You imagined me to look like you? No, I am a Shapeshifter, immortal to an extent but not completely." I stare out at the valley, then sigh.
"Well, I'm staying with the two of you for the foreseeable future. Care for a spar Drizzt?" We engage in a small match, before Drizzt decides to put out the lights. I roll out of the globe, batting his scimitars away with my axes. Wulfgar watches us from the sidelines, cheering and calling out encouragement. By the time Drizzt manages to slip his scimitar under my chin, we are both sweating profusely.
"Made you work for it." I remark with a beaming smile. Drizzt steps back with a laugh.
"That you did." After a few days, we set off for Bruenor's mines. The trip is cut short when we discover the trail to a couple of hastily buried dwarves. We decide to lie in wait for their killers to emerge. Moving behind a rocky bluff we wait for the sun to dip below the horizon. Soon after, three verbeeg come crashing over the mountain slopes. Drizzt holds Wulfgar back, wanting to find out more about why these giants are here in the first place.
"Drats an' dingers," one of the giants grumbles.
"Not a dwarf to be found!"
"Rotten luck it is," groans another.
"An' our last night out too." I half listen to the following explanation. Apparently an army is gathering. The last verbeeg reasons that they should go.
"If we can get to that rock," Wulfgar reasons,
"we'll have them before they even realize we're here!" I glance with him at Drizzt. Seeing the bloodlust in his eyes however, causes me to snort.
"There are only three of them," Drizzt says, his voice holding a fragile edge of calm that threatens to explode at any moment.
"We need no surprise."
"You taught me to seek every advantage," Wulfgar says cautiously.
"In battle yes," I start.
"But this is vengeance. Let the giants see us, let them feel the terror of impending doom!" His scimitars snap into his hands, my axes appearing a second later in mine. I watch Drizzt walk out, causing the giants to freeze.
"What are ye fer, then?" One of them asks.
"A friend of the dwarves." Drizzt responds with a wicked laugh. I step out after him with Wulfgar. I grin as Drizzt stops Wulfgar's advance, stating that the charging verbeeg is dead. It is then lined with purple fire. I launch myself at the furthest verbeeg, surprising it at the viciousness of my attack. I make short work of it, slashing its femural arteries. I glance over at Wulfgar to see that he has killed the second verbeeg. Drizzt is playing with his. I watch Drizzt teach Wulfgar a lesson on overextending, using the verbeeg as the example. Then, Drizzt has the brilliant idea that we should go after the lair ourselves. He sends Wulfgar to inform Bruenor. Meanwhile, we seek out the giant's lair. We meet back with Wulfgar a little later, having found the stinking horde. Then, we all travel back to it, and Wulfgar is introduced to Guen. He is extremely distrusting of her, raised to view magic as evil and mysterious. I sigh, but let him be. He can't help how he was raised. Six more verbeeg emerge to look for their missing companions, but we make quick work of them a few miles from the lair.
The first verbeeg to die in the lair, is the cook, which Drizzt kills. Those are shortly followed by another six in a dining area. The verbeeg are soon dealt with, and we look for more giants. Using the chimney, Drizzt and Wulfgar manage to find the two remaining giants. However, the frost giant, Biggrin, has sent the last verbeeg off to report somewhere. Drizzt sends Guen after it. The frost giant proves tough, extremely so. I block a swing from its axe that would have downed Wulfgar, who is getting tired. The giant snarls at me, and I bare my teeth right back. I drop kick it across the room, advancing on it just as Drizzt's knives embed in its chest. Wulfgar throws Aegis fang again, sending the knives deeper into the giant's chest, and breaking a few ribs. Still, the complete confidence with which the giant walks towards us is worrisome. It drops dead before it reaches us though, and I hurry back to the dining area. I glance over all the mutton on the table, before digging in. Drizzt comes over, and I mock growl at him.
"Seth! Let us eat breakfast!" He declares dramatically before snatching up a piece and moving towards one of the closed rooms. When he returns he looks troubled.
"What is it?"
"I'll tell you later, let's find Wulfgar." We find him with Guenhwyvar, who he has decided to trust as an ally.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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