Chapter I

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"": Goblin language
"": Common tongue
"": Drow language
Seth POV
I run through the woods, inhaling the strong scent of pines as I whip past them. No scent of a vampire, and my circuit was over 5 minutes ago. I hear an odd buzzing sound in the distance, so I head towards it, probably a wasp nest or something. It's not, instead, a ring of energy is forming in the air. It honestly looks like the bird's eye view of a hurricane, except it's red, not white. I phase back into a person, pulling two bags of clothes out from behind a tree. Walking up to the odd circle, I jump back as it moves towards me.
"It's alive! Heeeelp!" I turn and book it away from the thing, but I feel like I'm running through thick syrup. I'm lifted off my feet and yanked backwards into the circle. Flashes of light go by me as I careen through the air. Finally, I feel the thud of solid ground against my back, knocking the breath out of me. I lay there coughing for awhile. I sit up, glancing at the two cloth bags full of clothes. Yep, one set is male, the other female. Well, the female clothes are for a worst case scenario. I pull on the shorts, not caring that I don't have shoes on, the shirt stays in the bag. As I walk, I notice that wherever I am, it is very similar to my home, good, that means the survival class Dad and I took is useful.
"Run, Eleni!" A voice comes from my right.
"It is a dark elf! A drow! Run for your life!" I sprint towards the voices, the screams that follow making me move quicker. But, when I arrive, there is only the dark elf, with his scimitars sheathed standing there. I walk out of the woods and he whirls to face me. I take a quick check of his body language a bit slumped, disappointed, with no bloodlust in his eyes. I give him a wide smile.
"Seth." I tell him, pointing to myself.
"Drizzt Do'Urden." He gives an answering smile. I walk over to him, but don't know what else to do, I don't know his language. He says a few sentences, and I shake my head. He looks disappointed, but pleased that not everyone would run off. I follow him up the mountain, but he gestures back towards the farm. I shake my head sadly, I have no home here. I have no home, I'll never see my family again! That realization breaks my heart, and tears begin to trickle down my face. Drizzt wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a cave and sitting with me on a bedroll. I let him comfort me, enjoying the hug. I wipe my face and manage a bit of orc language.
"I have no home here....I come from far away." He looks up in surprise then nods.
"I as well." He answers, and I nod. I move to the other side of the cave, shifting into my wolf form and settling down for a nap.

Drizzt POV
I stare at Seth, astonished that someone could change their form so completely. I walk over to where he is asleep, laying my bedroll next to him and falling asleep as well. I wake up the next morning, back against Seth's warm fur. I get up, intending to get food, when Seth stirs beside me. His eyes open, light brown eyes that shine golden in the sun. He phases back into his human form, stretching his arms and yawning.
"We go to hunt?" He asks and I shrug, heading towards the patch of berries. Seth spots them and grins, pulling out a cloth bag.
"Blueberries! Very good to eat!" I grin, shoving a handful into my mouth at his enthusiasm. I look up and spot a group of farmers headed for us, weapons on clear display and ready for use. A man walks to the side of the main band, he is brandishing a finely crafted axe and leading two large and snarling creatures on thick chains.
"Dogs!" Seth whispers, tensing when he sees the group and I lay a comforting hand on his shoulder. I set the onyx figurine of Guenhwyvar down and call for her. There is a buzzing behind us, and Seth tenses further, eyes following something, gaze narrowed. When Guenhwyvar arrives, I lead us to the trail behind the blueberry patch. Seth watches the group, listening to their conversation. The group finds the dropped sword and Seth looks to me for a plan. I lift a finger to my lips, signaling for him to wait. He nods gaze moving back to the group. I notice that the axe wielding man is circling the patch with his dogs, trying to get a good trail. One of the dogs recoils suddenly, where Seth was standing, and I turn to Guenhwyvar.
"Go, Guenhwyvar." I whisper, not wanting the dogs to get a clear scent. She lopes off, into the grove where the children had hidden yesterday, and her sudden roar silences the group's growing conversation. She rushes past the stunned humans, Seth covering his mouth to suppress laughter at the spectacle, and darts across the rising rocks of the mountain slopes. The humans give chase, and I gesture for Seth to follow me. I hear a buzzing noise behind us, and look to Seth, he nods. As I relax against a tree, thinking of how I may further my exposure to the humans without causing panic among them. My gaze falls on Seth, who is waiting for some movement, all senses on alert. A buzz to my left, brings me out of my thoughts completely. I draw my scimitars and something flashes by me, followed by a sudden pain in my wrist and my scimitar is snatched from my hand. Seth grabs the flash, roaring in anger as blood appears on his wrist, hand tightening around the throat of the creature he has seized. A sudden pop echoes through the grove.
"Shit! Dammit! Fuck! Sorry! I killed it! I thought it was stronger!" I look at his distraught face and hug him, before a howl distracts us. Seth looks up at me, eyes determined. He drops the creature to the ground, tossing me my scimitar, but another flash bears it away.
"Go! I got this!" I shake my head and he shrugs. The dogs burst through the brush. Seth grabs one out of the air, pinning it to the ground like a flash of lightning. The other dog I cut the head of, bashing its skull with the base of my other scimitar. It is knocked out, Seth does the same with his, punching it without his full strength in the head. He jumps back as the human barrels in. He focuses on me, not seeming to see Seth at all.
"Ye killed me dogs!" Seth tenses, ready to spring to my defense, but he is unarmed here. I dodge his strikes with the axe, on one dodge, his axe ends up embedded in the trunk of a tree, causing it to fall on him. Seth takes off running for the cave, and I follow him. He makes it into the mountains before he sinks to his knees sobbing.
"Never killed, not live thing. Vampire, corpse, not alive. No blood, no heartbeat!" I nod, he's only killed some kind of reanimated corpse, not anything truly alive. He sniffs, tears glimmering in his eyes.
"I thought it was stronger. It was fast as a vampire, but not as strong." He had overestimated the creature's durability, and in doing so, had killed it. We stay together, then I stand up.
"Go, clear mind." I tell him, signaling for him to run about the mountain. He nods, taking off down the slopes.

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