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Niall showed up on Sunday carrying a big box. He must have bought a really big trophy. Of course he had. Neither Harry nor Louis were surprised. Niall always went all in.
"So, who won?" Louis immediately asked.

"Easy there cowboy. Let's go to the living room. I decided to compile my own list and I'm gonna give you some extra points. My top six moments over the years." Niall smiled.

They sat down in the living room and Niall opened his bag and took out an Ipad and connected it to the wifi.
"I guess this will be more of a top-six Larry moments I've chosen ones where you do things for each other. First is this one." Niall explained and streamed a video to the big movie screen. Louis telling his Chicken stuffed with mozzarella, wrapped in parma ham with some homemade mash on the side started playing and they all laughed.

"You talked about that freaking chicken dinner so many times over the years and then we have this, Harry posting a picture of Louis first cooking experience so we all know that you made that dish for him." Niall laughed.

"I'm way more romantic than that, I promise! But that's not something I can talk about in interviews." Louis tried to defend himself.

"He really is, but I loved that dinner as well. That was the first time he tried to be romantic." Harry smiled, fonding over the memory.

"I sure hope so. I'm giving you both a point for this." Niall said before he continued.

"The next point will go to Louis for being so supportive during our X-factor days when Harry had stage fright. I'm sure Harry wouldn't have gotten over it without your help and support Louis. This happened behind the scenes but I decided to add it anyway."

"He should definitely get a point for that!" Harry agreed, gazing at Louis with heart eyes.

"This one is Harry fonding over Louis. Here are some examples." Niall smirked and showed them some clips of their younger selves.

Harry grunted and hid his face in his hands.

"Beautiful." Niall corrected him. "You get a point for that!"

"Thanks, I guess." Harry giggled.

"Next is the Harry's getting head comment by Louis. I just had to add that. A point for Louis." Niall chuckled.

Harry and Louis started to laugh. The things they had said in interviews.

"Here we have Louis jerking off a plant while staring at Harry. Seriously Louis?" Niall said and showed them the clip.

Harry and Louis started to laugh again.
"Louis gets a point for that." Niall said.

"Here we have Louis again saying that Harry is really good with his hands. Dirty boy. But you'll get a point for that as well." Niall said with a laugh and Harry and Louis joined in as they watched the clip.

"So, that's the end of it. Now it's time to announce the winner! Drumroll please!" Niall said and stood up.

Louis hit his fingers against the table, trying to make it sound like a drumroll.
"It's a tie! You're both winners!" Niall shouted and pulled out two trophies for the box he brought. They had engravings. The first one said Louis Tomlinson #1 Harrie and the other one said Harry Styles #1 Louie.

Harry and Louis just stared at him in disbelief.
"What? Noooo! We have to have one winner!" Harry protested.

"Yeah! We spent a year doing this competition." Louis argued.

"You both got 34 points. You are each other's number one fan. Just put this on a shelf someplace where you can look at them often to remind yourself that there's no winner or loser in this competition, you both support each other equally." Niall grinned.

"That's true and all but this was a competition!" Louis argued.

"And you both walked out of it as winners! You both have a shiny trophy to prove it." Niall said.

"Let's put them in the bedroom." Harry suggested.

"Yeah, but I'm still gonna run a victory lap with mine." Louis said and grabbed his trophy.

"Me too!" Harry shouted and took his trophy as well and they started to run around in the house shouting "I won."

Niall watched them in amusement. They were both so silly but he loved that about them and he loved how much they loved each other. This competition had really showed that. They had always been and would always be each other's number one fan.

The End

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