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It had been a crazy month. Syco had finally agreed to let him make an album and he had fought hard for his songs. A lot of them didn't make it to the album, not because he didn't want them to but because they were too obvious, but some did and he was proud of the final result. The album was coming out in a month and he was doing the final work to perfect it.

But now he had other things on his mind. This little silly competition with Harry. His husband would probably score more points this month but he was gonna win it in the long run. Harry's album came out on the 13th and he was so proud of him, but that also meant that January would be his month.

They sat down on the sofa to Skype their judge, also known as Niall. He loved that Irish bloke with all his heart, purely platonic of course. He had always been supportive, and only he would come up with a competition like this.

He listened to Harry laying out his proof that he was the number one Louie. He knew he was. Harry was so supportive in everything he did and so proud of him, just like he was of him and his work. He threw in an objection here and there, earning a couple of points in the process. Niall had of course bought a whiteboard to keep track.

"So, Louis, your turn. Baffle me with your Harrieness." Niall smirked.

"Well, it's been a busy month and I don't have an album to show off just yet but you just wait." Louis began.

"I'm sure it will be amazing." Niall complemented.

"It is amazing!" Harry grinned proudly.

"Let me remind you that I released three music videos already from that upcoming album and the songs are all related to Harry." Louis pointed out.

"We already had this discussion. You'll get a point for your album next month if it's Harry related." Niall answered.

"Fine. I can wait. I also have my 28 Spotify list that I update from time to time. Many of the songs I choose is related to Harry if you take time reading the lyrics." Louis continued and Harry beamed.

"Too vague. No point for that. Next?" Niall said dismissively.

Louis pouted his lower lip.
"My sister did a couple of live streams on Christmas Eve and you could hear Harry's voice."

Niall laughed.
"They really know how to out you two but that was your sisters, not you. That doesn't count."

"Would it count if I had asked them to do it?" Louis questioned.

Niall had to think about it.
"Yes. Did you?"

"No." Louis sighed. He hated losing and it looked like Harry would get more points this month.

He clicked on a file on the computer and shares a picture with Niall.
"How about this then? A picture of me with a fan. Harry took it as you can see in the mirror behind me."

Niall looked at the picture.
"You can't tell if that's Harry or not."

"Well, he got photographed earlier that day wearing the same outfit. Now, the fan showed me this photo and asked if it was okay that he shared it on social media and I said yes, even tho Harry can be seen holding the camera. How about that?" Louis asked.

Niall had his thinking face on display.
"Yeah, I'll give you a point for that. Bold!"

"Thank you. Then we have this lovely interview with GQ where I break down my tattoos, or should I say lie about my tattoos." Louis smirked.

"That I have to watch. Play all of it!" Niall grinned.

They sat back and watched him lie his ass off whenever he was supposed to explain a tattoo related to Harry. They all had a good laugh.
"Horrible, horrible, no reason behind it. That's hilarious!" Niall laughed, doing a bad job at trying to mimic Louis's northern accent.

"I know but I at least said one thing. This bird here, in terms of style. Get it? Our birds?" Louis chuckled.

"That will get you a point." Niall smiled.

"Unfortunately that's all I got for now." Louis sighed.

Niall looked at the scoreboard.
"As you can see by this very advanced system Harry has five points and Louis you only have three. Don't let it ruin your New Year's Eve. Bye guys, love you." Niall grinned and waved before he signed off.

Harry looked over at Louis.
"Are you okay there Boobear?"

"That was just the beginning babycakes. I won't let it get to me." Louis smiled, already trying to think of new ways to win points for January. Then his album would be released so he would get one point for that and hopefully a couple of more song-related points.

He got up and took Harry's hand to pull him off the couch.
"You have to make me lunch for beating me this time."

"When am I not making you lunch? Are you gonna learn how to cook all of a sudden?" Harry smirked.

"I try! You know what happens." Louis answered and Harry wrapped his arms around him and kissed him. louis still got butterflies in his stomach whenever they kissed. That was pretty amazing after almost ten years together.

He couldn't picture his life without Harry. They were attached by the hip. Harry was his husband, his greatest love, and his best friend all at once. He got a little emotional thinking about it.
"Hey, where did you go?" Harry asked softly.

"I love you." Louis answered and pecked Harry's lips one last time.

"I love you too." Harry reassured him.

Louis kept his husband company as he made them lunch. They ate and then they got ready for New Year's Eve. They were going to a party at a close friend's place. Even if they weren't able to come out publically they lived a normal life around their friends and families. They were glad that they were able to have that. A lot of people knew about them but they also knew how the business worked and kept quiet.

They headed off to a great party, dancing the night away. When the clock struck twelve they kissed and promised to love each other for the rest of their lives, like they did every new year's eve. It had become one of their many traditions.

They fell into bed in the early morning hours and made love before they fell asleep, holding each other tightly.

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