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Louis glared at his husband playfully. While he had been busy putting out an album, doing signings, and planning a tour Harry had been a full-time Louie. He scored a lot of points this month but he had a couple of aces up his sleeve himself.
"Is it my turn now?"

"Yes. Go ahead, Louis." Niall answered, like he was talking to a five-year-old.

Louis stretched his arms and moved his head from side to side like he was warming up.
"Right, first one. Watch this clip." He said and opened his file Harriefebruary and clicked on a link.

The video showed a fan telling him that he would do any of Louis's tattoos, and asked him to choose one. The fan showed him Harrys anchor tattoo that he had done and Harry and Niall watched as Louis immediately pulled his sweater up and showed his rope tattoo before he caught up with his own action and choose the scull on his other arm instead.
"Booo! No point! You disappoint me, Louis!" Niall shouted.

Louis stared at him.
"What! Didn't you see my immediate reaction? The rope Niall. The rope!"

"Yeah, but you didn't tell him to get the rope tattoed, did you?" Niall questioned.

"Of course not. That's ours, mine, and Harry's complimentary tattoos." Louis said softly.

"Aaaw, you had to go soft on me? Fine, I'll give you a point." Niall said and made a note on his paper.

"Woohoo! Okay, moving on. I did a track by track, talking about each song on the album, and I got away with this. I'm glad my team doesn't do background checks." Louis winked and found the video and put it up for them to see.

He was talking about his song Too young and what it was about. Harry giggled, knowing exactly what he did but Niall looked confused.
"You're talking about a girl. Eleanor? Why?"

"You know I have to say girl. Honestly Niall, weren't we in a band together for five years?" Louis teased.

"Oh, come on! I know that." Niall complained but burst out laughing when he finally got it.
"Eighteen! You said meeting the one at eighteen. Fucking fantastic! That will give you a point! I can't believe your team missed that. Eleanor came along after that. Great one Louis."

"Thank you." Louis beamed. Two out of two. He was on a roll.

He pulled out his last clip.
"As you know hubby over there performed at the Brits. He was amazing as usual." Louis bragged and Harry gave him a dimpled smile.

"I was of course there as well to support him even if I hid at a table far away. I'm still bummed that you didn't win an award babycakes." Louis huffed.

"No need for that." Harry smiled. Louis had gone on and on about it ever since.

"Yeah, well. Next time. Anyhow, here's a clip of my voice in the background." Louis said and played it.

"You didn't hide that well." Niall chuckled.

"There were cameras everywhere!" Louis answered.

"And that will earn you another point. I feel generous today." Niall said and put a line under Louis's name.

"Don't do me any favors. I'm gonna win this fair and square." Louis answered.

"So you want me to scratch that then?" Niall asked.

"Absolutely not!" Louis hurried to say and Harry laughed.

"Anything else?" Niall asked.

"No, I'm done. " Louis sighed.

"Well played boys!" Niall said and folded the piece of paper and put it in his jeans pocket.

"Thanks. So we haven't had time to watch your new music video just yet. What do you say about showing it to us now?" Harry asked.

"I would love to. You two actually inspired it. Maybe I should just buy myself a trophy for being the number one Larrie and stop this competition?" Niall smirked.

"You wouldn't dare!" Louis laughed while he pulled out Nialls music video for no judgment and put it up on the big screen. They laughed at the video and even sang along. They had listened to Niall's new album quite a bit.

When the music video was done they both applaud it.
"It was great! Funny!" Harry complimented.

"It truly was, but how did we inspire it?" Louis asked.

"Are you kidding me? You two are like that old couple and I think that's great! I just hope I will be that comfortable around someone one day." Niall smiled.

Both Harry and Louis jumped him at the same time to cuddle him.
"You will! Haz? Do we know any great girls that Niall can date?" Louis asked.

"We know a lot of great girls. Let's see..." Harry said and sat up, pondering over the subject. "How about Leila, my hairdresser? She's single."

"Yeah, or Liza!" Louis said.

"Or maybe Hailey..." Harry continued.

"Guys, thanks but no thanks. I can find my own dates." Niall laughed.

"We just want you to be happy Ni." Harry pouted.

"I am happy! Don't worry about me." Niall said with a fond smile.

"Your songs say otherwise." Harry pointed out.

"I was going through a break-up. I'm okay. Promise." Niall answered.

"Alright. I'm hungry. Wanna order take out?" Louis suggested, dropping the subject.

Harry and Niall nodded their heads and Harry went to get the take-out menus from the kitchen. They decided on Thai and Louis called in their order.

They spent the rest of the afternoon eating and catching up.

#1Harrieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें