Chapter 75: Thief

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"That orb is powerful. No wonder Voldemort wants it." Lucas said

They all sighed. Then suddenly the train stopped. Then death eaters came aboard

"My father will hear about this."

"Hey losers." Neville said

"He isn't here." Luther said

In the ministry, wanted posters of Harry are being made and posted around.

"Even if we get the locket. How do we destroy it?" Allison asked

"And there's another problem added." Y/N sighed

"What's important is we have that." Harry said

Y/N sat down next to Harry and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Do you think the rest are ok?" Y/N asked

"They're going to be fine." Harry kissed her on the forehead

They think

"You don't think you're... pre-" Harry said

"Pregnant? No. The orb tells it. It searched me and negative" Y/N shrugged

"Pregnant?!" Allison exclaimed

Y/N stood up and covered her mouth

"Shut up, our brothers will beat Harry up." Y/N said

"You guys did it?!" Allison asked

"Yes, now shh! Before Five kills him." Y/N said

"You're pregnant?" Allison whispered

"No, it's negative" Y/N assured her

"Why only Five?" Harry asked

"I'm telling you, Five? He's a psychopath. Ben's a soft one. Five killed more people than you think." Y/N chuckled

"Without hesitation." Allison said

"Don't you guys.... kill people without hesitation?" Harry said

"Yeah you're right, we're a psychopath" Allison said

"Yeah" Y/N agreed.

They heard Ron and Lilah playing the piano. Lilah plays it better.

"Why don't you try, Y/N?" Lilah offered

"Haven't played a piano in a long time." Y/N chuckled

She sat down and played.

"You really are brilliant" Harry said

"You said that way too many times" Vanya said

"Too many times" Max said

"Ladies and gentlemen, her!" They exclaimed

Y/N laughed. Soon they went back to the snitch

"I thought of that too. Maybe Dumbledore did hide something in there" Y/N said

Y/N Hargreeves: A Harry Potter x Umbrella Academy StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz