Chapter Fifteen

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Third Person's POV:

A groan of pain left Maryam as she collapsed to the ground, crawling into herself. She coughed blood and felt like she would throw up. Her eyes had been shut due to the agony but she managed to open one eye to see what the two men intended to do after that.

"Wasn't a very good idea to escape, butterfly." the nickname irritated her and she swore at Ivan in her mind, unable to be vocal about it. He came forward and picked her up and she couldn't resist. He threw her back at the pole and John proceeded to take the fallen handcuffs to tie her hands again.

"Let me go. Please..." she formed a weak sentence, taking her chance to make them feel sorry for her. It was of no use because John didn't stop. He picked the handcuffs and took her hands forcefully, pulling them behind the pole.

Tears filled her eyes again and started falling vigorously but she tried to hold them in to show them a brave face. "What are you going to do to me if Abdullah doesn't come?" she dared to ask.

"You'll have to wait to find out," Ivan smirked at John who returned the look. Just as he was about to lock the handcuffs together, a loud bang diverted their attention.

It was a gun.

Maryam looked towards the door and saw a gang of strong, big men pour inside the small room. All of them held big guns in their arms and they were sleeveless black vests over camouflaged pants. Their huge biceps had trails of long tattoos that were dark enough to be visible even in the dim lighting of the room.

"Unhand the Mistress!" one of them shouted in his loud, booming voice. "Where did these people come from?!" Panic washed over their faces and John quickly took out what seemed to be a walkie-talkie. "Call backup, quick!"

He was about to press the button to speak but one of Maryam's saviors came forward and punched him. "I don't like to repeat myself." He growled at him. Ivan looked around in a hurry and as soon as his eyes fell on Maryam, he smirked and rushed to her.

"One step closer and I shoot her." He took out a pistol from inside his shirt and pointed the front of it to her head. She froze in her place and stopped breathing when she felt the cold metal touch her temples. That made the men stop and they started to look at each other for ideas.

As if on cue, a huge weight being thrown on the floor echoed in the silent room. Everyones' eyes turned to it. Bound by ropes around his body and multiple bruises on his face, Mr. Wilson lay on the hard floor, almost unconscious. "Try that and my men will rip your insides apart."

The familiar voice rang in Maryam's ears. The huge burden suddenly lifted from her shoulders. Her body felt light due to the relief she was feeling at that moment. The pain in her stomach from the punch subsided and she started breathing again.

"Abdullah!" she felt like crying again because, for the first time, she had never felt more relieved and happy to see someone than him. The men gave him the way and he walked towards Maryam. "Pull the gun away or I kill this man," he ordered Ivan who looked like he was revising his last words.

"Where are the others?" he hissed at John who was being held by the man from before. "Dead," Abdullah answered for him.

He stopped when he was near Maryam. "Leave her." he glared at Ivan who quickly staggered back and hit the ground, the pistol from his hand falling with him. Abdullah sat down on one knee and inspected Maryam's face. She winced as soon as his hand brushed over her cheek gently.

He frowned. "They hit you?" he demanded from her. Slowly, she nodded not knowing how to react to the care she was being given. "Take him to the police after beating the sh*t out of him, Joe. I want him to pay for this with broken bones," he said distastefully, looking towards David who was still laying lifelessly on the ground.

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