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"Now Menchi, you can't fail everyone." Netero said.

"Well Chairman, I didn't fail everyone. That girl over there passed." She pointed at me.

The Chairman looked over at me. He examined me carefully. "Is that so? And how is she the only participant who passed?" He asked.

"She is a good cook sir. And she actually tried. Unlike these other chumps who all did the same thing." She told him.

"Very impressive." He smiled and waved at me. I nodded my head.

"But still. You can't do that." He scolded Menchi.

"But Chairman, they insulted us Gourmet hunters." She whined.

"Menchi." He raised his eyebrow. Menchi sighed.

"Ok well here is what is going to happen." He raised his voice so everyone could hear him.

"Menchi, you are going to make a new exam for them to pass. But you will also have to participate in it too." Netero said.

Menchi smiled and nodded her head. She then whispered something into Netero's ear.

"Alright then, looks like we are all going for a ride." Netero shouted.

Everyone lined up to get into the blimp. They told us that we will ride in the blimp to our next destination. Once everyone was on the blimp, they made an announcement.

"We will be arriving at our destination at approximately 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning." A familiar voice said over the intercom. "You are allowed to do what ever you want until then. May I recommend you all get some rest. We will also be serving dinner in the dinning hall." They said.

"Well you don't have to tell me twice." I headed straight to the dining hall. It has been a couple of days since I have eaten. I wasn't hungry or anything. But food sounded so good right now.

I walked into the dining hall. There were already a few people in there. They had the right idea.

I skipped over to the tables filled with food and made myself a plate. I then took my plate and left the dining hall to find a room for me to stay in.

I walked down a hallway and on each side of the hall there was ten doors. I closed my eyes and listened carefully to hear which rooms were occupied.

When I found a room that had no noise coming from it, I walk to it and opened the door. Walking into the room I place my food down on a desk and look around.

There was a bed, a desk, a end table, a closet door and a bathroom door.

I peeked my head out the door and looked around. There was no one around. Thank god. I closed the door and locked it.

I sat down on the bed and took off my gas mask.

I took in a deep breath. "Ahh, finally I can actually breath." I laid on the bed and stretched out my body. It felt nice to lay down on a bed.

I sat back up and garbed my food. It smelled really good. I lifted up my fork and was about to take my first bite, when I heard rustling noises coming from my bathroom.

I stood up and walked over to the bathroom door. Annoyed, I kicked it open causing a loud crashing sound.

I look into the bathroom to see Tonpa sitting on the ground trembling.

"What the fuck are you doing." I roll my eyes.

He stumbles to his feet. "It's not what you thing. I didn't know anyone was going to come into this room so I left it unlocked. But then I heard the door opening so I ran to the bathroom." Tonpa stuttered.

"Why would you run?" I looked at him like he was stupid. Because he was.

"There are a lot of people I have wronged here. And they might want to come after me. The person on the intercom said we could do what we wanted to so that means you could kill someone. Right?" He said.

I thought for a minute. "You know what you are right Tonpa." A grin appeared on my face. "If I killed you right know, no one would do anything about it. Not like they could anyways." I laughed.

"Wait, Alya. You don't want to do this. I can help you. Please just think about it I-" Tonpa pleaded but I didn't have time to hear his whines. I slit his throat before he could finish his sentence.

But I instantly regretted it. "Shit, now I have to find a new room. I'll be damned if I'm cleaning this up." I sighed.

I put my gas mask back on and grabbed my plate. Time to go find a new room.

I did the same thing as before and listened for noises coming from the rooms. Once I found a room that was quite, I walked into it. This time when I walked in I immediately checked the bathroom.


I take my mask off again and begin to eat.

After I eat I decide that I needed to take a shower. Standing up from my bed, I go to the bathroom to look for some body wash and shampoo.

But of course there was none. I shrug my shoulders and walk out of the bathroom. I look at the end table next to the bed.

There was a phone.

I walk over to the phone and looked at the contact list. The only number that was there was a number to call the office if you needed anything.

So why not call and see if they have any body wash or shampoo.

"Hello? How may I help you?" A sweet woman's voice said in the other end of the phone.

"I'm sorry to bother you. But I was just wondering if there was any body wash or shampoo." I asked.

"Yes of course. In room 318 there is a closet full of necessities. We have shampoo, body wash, brushes, toothpaste, tooth brushes and more. There is a key on top of the desk. You can go and get anything you need." She said.

"Ok thank you." I said. She said you welcome then hung up the phone.

I walked over to the desk to see a small golden key sitting in the corner. I grabbed the key and my gas mask then headed for room 318.

I stepped out of my room and looked at the room number. 256. Not to far from 318.

I walk down the hallway in search of the supply room.

"318. This is it." I inserted the key to unlocked the door but it was already unlocked. I guess someone forgot to lock it behind them.

When I walked into the room it was completely dark. I searched blindly for the light switch. After about five minutes of struggling, I finally found the switch.

I flipped it and the room light up to reveal shelves of supplies.

I searched until I found body wash and shampoo. Grabbing the bottles I head back to my room.

When I arrived at the door to my room, something felt off. But I didn't think anything of it. I walked into the room and locked the door behind me. I took my mask off again and took a deep breath in. It was nice to have that thing off.

I walk over to the bathroom and reached for the light switch. But before I could turn the light on, I see a figure in to corner of the bathroom and then someone lunges at me.

Knocking me to the floor, the person sits on top of me. I try my best to get back up and knock the person off of me but something sticky was holding me to the ground. I continue to struggle as the tall dark figure reaches for my face. I can feel a large hand moving around my face.

The person suddenly stops and begins to tremble. They then get off of me and reach for the light switch. The lights turn on and it takes a minute for my eyes to adjust. But when they do I search the empty bathroom for the intruder.

But they disappeared. And I was no longer stuck to the ground.

I quickly stand up and rush out the bathroom to my room. My room door was wide open and I step out of the room to see the hallway as empty as the bathroom.

Who was that?

I close the door and sit onto the bed. Someone saw me without my mask.

What am I going to do?

The Lost Demon(Illumi X OC)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now