"Hey Anya," He nodded.

"Hi Bucky," She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Any reason you're on the ground?"

"I'm locked out." He replied, jerking his head towards the door behind him. "Locked my keys inside by mistake. And the landlord isn't answering my calls."

He held up his phone in a gloved hand. Anya wondered why he always wore gloves. Maybe he had a thing about dirt?

"I could try calling if you'd like." She held up her own phone.

"It's alright," Bucky shook his head.

"You'd rather sit on the floor?" Anya asked.

"I'm comfortable." Bukcy replied sarcastically. "Floor is better than nothing."

"Well," Anya shifted her tote bag to her other shoulder. "I'd invite you to my apartment but I don't think you'd be very... welcome."

Grayson would definitely die of shock if she came waltzing back into their apartment with Bucky. That is, if he didn't kill her first.

"Your boyfriend don't like me?" Bucky glanced in the direction of her apartment. Anya choked on air.

"Grayson isn't-" She stuttered. "He's not my boyfriend. Definitely not. He's... he's my brother."

That's what they told strangers. They were siblings. Anya didn't mind at all. She never had a sibling before and Grayson practically treated her like a little sister.

"Oh good," Bucky nodded. "I was thinking he was too old for you."

Anya chuckled. Now why would Grayson have such a problem with him? He certainly didn't seem like... well a brainwashed murderer from HYDRA. She had met plenty of those in her life. Maybe he really was better, reformed. She liked talking to him. He was funny.

Anya looked at the locked door before glancing over the hall to her apartment. What Grayson didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

"I can get your door open." She said.


"I can get it open for you."


"I can pick the lock."

Anya pointed to the door. Bucky stared at her.

"I mean I would have done that," Bucky said. "But I didn't want to break it so I don't think-"

"I won't break it!" Anya cut him off, shaking her head quickly. "Promise I won't. Just... trust me."

Bucky thought for a moment, still staring at her. Then, he got to his feet and gestured towards the door. Anya smiled and leaned over to the door knob.

She had done this what felt like a million times before. She had perfected it. She didn't even have to touch anything. But Bucky was watching her so she had to make it seem... realistic. Exposing her powers, even to someone who might understand her, could mean trouble.

And trouble was the last thing she wanted.

So, she fiddled with the doorknob and sang softly under her breath. The way her powers worked was if she was close to something and focused on it while she sang, she could move it or alter it in some way. That's why she needed the amplifier. But this was small and close enough that she didn't need it. She could almost feel the lock turning itself as she sang.

"Uh," Bucky interrupted her. "What are you doing?"

Anya looked over her shoulder. He was looking at her strangely. It was understandable, she probably looked crazy, singing to herself.

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