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Before I say anything ,Thank you once again to ElenaH179 for requesting a story! So, I really wasn't planning on making this a long one but then when I was writing I was like "omg, this is so boring lemme make it longer." lol. I also wrote most of this in class and did the editing at home again-
1295 words
Before you came here to Devildom, your mom.. she really wasn't the best. She would make fun of your body size, your acne, and the stuff you like.

But you were most insecure about a birthmark on your knee. Your mom would always say something about it whenever you wore shorts/skirts so you never wore any shorts/skirts. This all started when you were still young. When you were a baby the birthmark wasn't as big but as you grew up your birthmark was more noticeable. But she never physically hurt you though, she was the reason why you were so insecure.  Because of your insecurity you were really anxious at times.

But when you came to Devildom, Asmo always showered you with compliments your mom would never tell you.
"Your skin looks really smooth today!"
 "Your hair looks amazing today!"
 "Oh! That show your watching, It's one of my favorites!"
Although that did make you feel better, You were still insecure.
You went back to the human world for a little break. You decided that going to you parents house would be the best idea since you had nowhere else to stay in the human world. 

You knocked at the door
"Honey go see whose at the door!" Then suddenly the door opened.
"Y/n!?" Your dad says with a surprised face.
"Hey dad." You say with a small smile on your face.
"Y/n? Y/n is here!?" Your mom says while walking towards the door.
"Hey mom" You say as you kept the small smile on your face. Then your mom hugged you.
"Where have you bee- Oh honey.. I think you might've gained some weight.." She said as she pulled away from the hug.
"Huh-" You really didn't wanna shout at your mom for making that comment because your dad would probably say something like 'hey! don't speak at your mother like that' or something along those lines.

"Oh.. Well-"
"Let's go sit down! You probably have so much to tell us!" Your dad says while dragging you to the table.
"Yea." You said as your dad sat you down.
"Well, I became an exchange student at a nice school. The school is a bit strict so I wasn't able to contact anyone with my cell phone. But I like it there." You explained. 
"Well that doesn't explain how you've gained weight!" Your mom said. You started to get furious. Like what kind of mother tells her child that they've gained weight right after she hasn't seen them in months.
"Anyways, Y/n. Let's go to the mall! We haven't gone shopping in a while!" You couldn't disobey your mom so you agreed and went with her.

"Y/n! Go to the change into this! I wanna see how it looks on you!" She hands you a skirt. Then you remembered about your birthmark. The one on your knee. But you knew that you had no other choice so you went to change.
You had finished changing. Then you came out of the dressing room.
"Oh Y/n.. Your birthmark looks disgusting." You knew this was gonna happen. At least she can't see the pact marks. But you didn't want to just leave your mom so you decided that you would just call Lucifer or something to pick you up after shopping with your mom. 

Your mom didn't let you take off the skirt. (Dw you guys paid for it) So for the rest of the day you just had a jacket wrapped around your waist so you could hide it. Also you were gonna buy things for the brothers too. You didn't just guess what they wanted so you texted the house of lamentation group chat. 
House of Lamentation
You: I'm on a shopping spree with my mom do you guys want anything?
Leviathan: A Manga set.
Y/n: Uhh sure
Asmodeus: Ooh! There's this cologne I wanted! Buy it for me please!
Y/n: Okay ^_^
Satan: There's this human world book series about vampires. I think it was called Twilight.
(That was the only thing I could think of😫)
Y/n: I already have that series at my parents house, do you mind if I could just give you that?
Satan: Yea sure.
Mammon: *Is typing*
Y/n: No I wont give you any of my old stuff Mammon.
Mammon: How-
Y/n: I'll buy you a pair of cheap glasses that's it
Y/n: What about the rest of you guys? Do you need/want anything?
Beelzebub: Food please!
Y/n: Hmm, what about candy?
Beelzebub: Sure!
Y/n: Lucifer? Belphie?
Belphegor: Anything is fine
Lucifer: You don't have to get me anything
Y/n: ... Ok
"Why did you buy so much stuff?" Your mom asks as we go inside the house.
"It's for my roommates."
"Oh, okay" Suddenly she pulls out a bottle.
"Put this on your knee! It supposed to get rid of that disgusting mark!" She adds the thing on her hands and was about to put it on you knee until you backed up.
"No!" Even though you were insecure about it you would never get rid of it. You took the bags and went to your room.
You decided that now would be the best time to call Lucifer.
Lucifer: "Oh Y/n, do you need something?"
Y/n: "Can you come and get me now?"
Lucifer: "... Yea sure."
Suddenly your mom called you
"Y/n!! There's somebody at the door and he's looking for you!"
You grabbed the bags and the books and went to the door to see Asmodeus?
"Lucifer told me to pick you up!" Suddenly your mom spoke up.
"Lucifer? Asmo?" Your mom went silent for a second
"Asmodeus!? Lucifer!?" You mom screamed as she held out a cross.(who knows where it came from cuz i dont-)  You had forgotten how religious your parents are.
"WHAT!? DEMONS!? WHERE!?" Your dad panicked.
"It seems you guys know who I am-" 
"Not now Asmo. and Sorry Mom, Dad." You chuckled as you dragged Asmo somewhere.

"Come on we gotta go back!" Then suddenly you guys are back at the house of Lamentation.
"We're back!" You two say. Then suddenly the brothers came to you for their things. (Except for Luci since he didn't ask for anything😫✋)

The you went back to your room without noticing Asmo had followed you.
"Asmo! Do you need anything? If it's about my parents then sorry, I forgot to tell you guys that they're really religious-"
"Oh you think that's bothering me? Well, honey, you are wrong! What's bothering me is that skirt! It looks horrible! It's a good thing I bought one while you were gone!" He then hands you a skirt. 
"Now go put it on" he then left your room and closed the door. You really didn't have a choice so you decided that you would put it on. But this time, you would wear some leggings or something under it. But you couldn't find one.. So you just decided to put it on, hoping that he wouldn't see it.

You then let Asmo in your room, hoping he wouldn't notice your birthmark.
"I knew it would look good on you!" Asmo smiles
"Now how's the size? Is it too tight? Too loose?"
"It's perfect." You say. Suddenly Asmo changes the subject

"Hey, What's that on your knee?" Your eyes widen. 'Is he talking about the birthmark?'
"Is that a birthmark?" He says while pointing at your knee 'He is talking about the birthmark!!'
"Y-Yea.." You stuttered as you looked down. Asmo's smile grows
"That means we're matching!" You look up in shock.
"What?" You say.
"I also have a birthmark on my knee!!" Asmo then rolls up one side of his pants.
"They both kinda look similar.." You say. Suddenly Asmo says something.

"Hey Y/n." You look up to see Asmo staring at you.
"Do you like me?" Asmo asks. A blush ran across your face as your eyes widen.
"Do. You. Like. Me?" Asmo asks again.
"Well, 'like' isn't really the word.. I.. I love you" You say.
"I love you too"

And on that day forward you and Asmo are dating ig.. Also Asmo helped you overcome most of your insecurities. And you guys lived happily ever after?

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