Chapter 10

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An loud roar filled the arena, startling everyone in the audience. Everyone expected the arena match to have finally ended, but that wasn't the case. Scarlet hunched over, her talons clenching to her melting snout. Black smoke rose from under her talons. Her unaffected eye shot wide open in pain.

    The arena led into a state of total chaos. Skywings charged out of the arena in a booming clash of wings. Red and orange scales melted together as they clumped out of the arena's top.

    Clay shot up from the arena as well. He became lost and confused in the fury of wings. He looked back down, where he saw the two Seawings prisoners from before standing nose to nose. Clay shot down, pinning the green dragon to the ground. The blue Seawing prepares to attack Clay as Clay broke the green dragon's wing bands. The blue dragon approached, knocking the green one out cold. Clay continued to break her wing bands as well. The blue Seawing picked up her father, lugging him onto her back. Clay also peered around at the Rainwing prisoner, who had somehow snapped the thin chains that held her to her tree.

    The group flew out of the arena, their blue and green and brown scales setting them apart from the rest of the crowd. They quickly flew down to the Diamond Spray river, out of sight of the Skywing guards before they were caught.

    They hid beneath a small grove of thickly branched trees. Clay set the green Seawing in a shallow part of the river, hoping to improve his condition.

    "I owe you a lot." The blue Seawing said to Clay, "You saved both me and my father lives. Without you two, I probably wouldn't be alive now."

    "It was nothing," Clay replied, "I was just trying to be nice."

    "My name is Princess Tsunami, and this is my father, King Gill," Tsunami told him, emphasizing the royal titles in her sentence.

    "I'm Glory," the Rainwing told him.

    "I'm Clay," Clay said.

    The group flew off towards the Mud Kingdom. Tsunami wasn't happy about it, but it was right in between the Sky Kingdom and the Kingdom of the Sea, so they had to cross it.

    Tsunami landed down on a sandy beach bordering the sea and the Diamond Spray Delta. She dropped Gill into the sand as well. He had remained unconscious the whole flight, but his body already appeared to be in better shape. Glory touched down, her talons mimicking the sandy yellow-tan of the beach. They would rest there for the night.

The True Dragonet Prophecy - Wings Of Fire AU/FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz