Chapter 1

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    Seven eggs sat in a large mud hut. The eggs had wiggled for several days and nights, the mother nowhere in sight. Finally, a small brown nose wiggled it's way out of its burgundy colored egg. Eventually, a small Mudwing fell out of the egg, standing up and extending his wings just moments after hatching.

    It was dark, yet the inside of the hut was warm from the embers surrounding the eggs and bright from the three full moons outside. The small dragonet jerked as another of the eggs cracked and sputtered. The small dragonet quickly ran over and broke the shell, allowing his sibling to wriggle out.

    He did this with every egg, until all seven dragonets had hatched. They quickly grouped, each recognizing the others as their sibling. One dragonet easily became the leader, the largest dragonet that had helped them all hatch in the first place. The only one that had hatched from a blood red egg.


    A dark blue egg cracked in the underwater hatchery that was the royal family's. Queen Coral sat in the large, warm space, King Gill at her side. Their tails intertwined as the small blue egg shook and wiggled. A large crack split down the center of the egg, growing and growing on the shell until a small dragonet flopped out.

    She is beautiful. Coral flashed in aquatic. The small dragonet looked almost exactly like her mother. She turned and swam until she swam into her father's tail. Coral picked up the dragonet, holding and admiring her. This was Coral's only heir. Ever since Orca had died in her royal challenge, a mysterious assassin had been killing every royal female dragonet that had been in the hatchery. So far, this was the only one who had survived.

    What shall we name her? Gill asked. Coral had though of this for a long time.

    Tsunami. She replied. Gill peered at the dragonet, then at Queen Coral, then back at the dragonet.

    Princess Tsunami. It is a fitting name for her.

    Coral carried the young Tsunami at her side. Gill swam out of the hatchery and around to the rest of the palace. Coral turned around, giving one last look at Orca's statue.

    You have done your job in protecting my eggs well. She thought to the statue. She gave one last look, then turned around and closed the door behind her. This was one of the best days of Queen Coral's reign. She decided to hold a large banquet to celebrate.


    The large group of eggs sat in their tree. Many of the Rainwing eggs had been placed in this hatchery. Grandeur was queen right now. She was the only dragon she considered a good queen, but she still allowed the other "Queens" to rule on their intervals. Even when she wasn't queen though, Grandeur loved to be there when a new egg hatched. Even if that meant that she was in one of the hatcheries every few days.

    One of the white eggs rolled onto its side. It had grown slightly transparent, so Grandeur could see the dragonet inside pecking at the shell. She stared at the egg, unaware of the rest of the forest. Handsome flew in behind her, carrying a long list of names that had been used by the Rainwings for centuries. Grandeur jumped as he touched down.

    "Is it time?" Handsome asked. Grandeur nodded, and Handsome unrolled the long scroll. He knew many of the older Rainwing traditions, and was one of the only Rainwings who remembered how to read. Handsome was a good friend of Grandeur's, and probably would have made a great queen if he was able or willing to.

The True Dragonet Prophecy - Wings Of Fire AU/FanficWhere stories live. Discover now