Chapter 3

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    It was a beautiful day in the mountains. Clay was flying alone through the peaks. He was assigned to deliver a message from Queen Moorhen to Queen Scarlet. He didn't like Scarlet or Burn, but they were the Mudwing allies, so all he could do was what he was told. He had left his sibs behind in the Mud Kingdom, because he knew they'd be safe there.

    Clay landed on the large balcony of the Queen Scarlet's palace. He trotted through the main hall of the palace. It was huge, spiraling up and covered in way too many gold markings. Skywings bustled back and forth through the open roofed hall. Clay walked through, coming to the doors that led to the throne room. Two guards halted him at the doors.

"I'm here to deliver a message to Queen Scarlet." Clay told the guards. They looked at each other, then let him pass. Clay creaked open one of the doors and peaked in the room.

    Scarlet was sitting atop her throne. She gave Clay a menacing look as he walked in. He stopped in front of the throne and immediately bowed as best he could. Scarlet giggled and motioned for Clay to stand back up.

    "What do you want Mudwing?" she asked in a curious tone.

    "I'm here to deliver a message from Queen Moorhen." Clay replied.

    "Well, hurry up then. We don't have all day."

    Clay pulled a scroll out of his neck bag, which the Queen quickly took and stashed away for later.

    "What's your name?" Queen Scarlet asked.

    "Um. Clay," Clay responded in a panicked voice.

    "Well then Clay, you should stay for the gladiator fights. Today's matches are absolutely thrilling." Scarlet told him. Clay didn't want to stay for the fights, but he didn't have the confidence to say no at this point. So Clay just nodded and agreed.

    Queen Scarlet jumped off her throne and paced out of the room, her tail slithering behind her. Clay merely followed, his head hung low. He flew out of the palace and into the arena. He decided to sit in the back row, trying to stay as far from the battling gladiators as possible. Clay hated combat in general, let alone death. He couldn't wait for the war to end.

    One guard brought out a dragon chained to a tree. She wasn't like any dragon Clay had ever seen. The dragon was skinny and slim. Her scales were shades of teal and orange, and her long tail curled around the marble tree like a monkey's. She also seemed to be asleep. Clay didn't remember the other tribes well, but he believed she was a Rainwing. This was the first time he'd ever seen one in real life.

    "Greetings everyone." Queen Scarlet called to her subjects, who all hissed in respect. The Rainwing opened one eye at the commotion, then closed it again. Several guards flew up to the tall, stone pillars that held the prisoners.

    Queen Scarlet cleared her throat and raised her claw.

"Let the match begin!"

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