"Izuku... I'm sorry, for everything.... I am suppose to be the Number one hero, the one that's suppose to inspire everyone to do all they can. But i failed you, you can hate me all you want i deserve it more then anyone, I was blessed to have you as a son but i didn't see it. I should have said this to you the day you were deemed quirkless.... You Can Become a Hero" Toshi stated and Last was Izumi

"Oni--- I-Izuku, my Big Brother.... Why, it should be me laying there not you. Why am i alive and your not... I should be dead not you.... Even after all i did to you, all the pain that i did to you, You still saved me.... I'm Sorry... for not being the Sister you deserved.... I Love You" Izumi said

All of them were crying, They had lost someone that meant to world to all of them and had laded down his life for them to be safe

In Izuku's Subconscious mind

The past Users were all crying, but nothing compared to Nana, as she was holding in her arms the silhouette of Izuku, or what remains of Izuku's conscious slowly fading away in her arms

"Izuku Please!!!, Wake up!! You saved everyone!!, You're a True Hero" Nana said hugging Izuku tighter

"Nana, we have to go, we can't stay here or else One For All will disappear with him" The First User stated (To anyone Who will point out that Izuku should be apart of One For All, to counter that i'll say that, because he's had OFA only for a little over a week, he isn't apart of OFA yet)

"Then I'll stay and you all can go" Nana said looking to them

"But Nana you'll--" The first User tried to say but was cut off

"I don't care, i know it's wrong, but.... I Love Him, Besides... I was the one who encouraged him to do this.... He's gone because of me... i'm just as responsible for this happening to him" Nana stated 

The 6 users were trying to think of how they could convince Nana to let go when suddenly the Blue and Green dragon emerged from Izuku's Subconscious body

The two dragons swirled around each other and eventually changed into Black smoke and out came the Black Dragon and it dived down looking at the users of OFA

"W-What's happening!? What do you want" They asked the Dragon

"Do not be afraid, i am here to help. I cannot allow this boy to die, He still has a purpose in life" The Black Dragon stated

"B-But how, he's.... D-Dead, his heart stopped" Nana said still crying

"The power of the Dragons can go beyond the means of understanding and as you can see, his conscious is still here" The Black Dragon said as he moved and they saw the silhouette of Izuku now up and awake and connected to the Dragon

"H-Hey Guy's i'm not dead just yet" Izuku said with a faint smile

"IZUKU!!" Nana yelled running and Hugging him

"Hey Nana, sorry i caused all this trouble for you" Izuku said hugging back

"No, don't you dare put the blame on yourself, This was my fault too, if i had just----" Nana said but was cut off with Izuku Kissing her

This shocked Nana but she kissed back until they separated 

"Nana, the choice i made, that was my choice, sure you encouraged me to do it, but in the end i was one that chose to do it, not you, This was my fault no one else's.... And well i did hear what you said earlier and... You already know how Nejire feels about that topic..... and i guess i did start to take a liking to you too" Izuku explained

Nana started to cry even more and hugged Izuku again kissing him all over his face

"Now, Izuku Yagi Shimada or... Me, I shall regenerate your body the best i can and bring you back to the land of the living along with Nana and the rest of you" The Black Dragon stated 

Overwatch: Deku The Ancient Dragon HeroWhere stories live. Discover now