The wolf

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Everything was dark. It might not be his eyes this time though. Even inside the strange-smelling room, he could smell the night. He could smell water too, not far in front of him, and food. When was the last time he'd eaten? He couldn't remember just like he couldn't remember his name or where he was from or any of the other things his mate had asked him.

His mate! He'd found her. That was the one thing of which he was certain - Aiyana was his mate. He took another long sniff. It was very faint, but her scent was still there along with a male she'd called his doctor and a couple of other two-legged beings. There were several furry, four-legged creatures he wouldn't mind chasing somewhere close, but not close enough for him to bother with.

Where was he? Why wasn't his mate by his side? The thought that had been struggling to form abruptly became a certainty - something was wrong, horribly wrong. It wasn't a scent, he decided as he sniffed the night air, but something that had happened. His hip and his head still hurt but he wasn't sure if that was related. It had something to do with his mate, maybe. Maybe she would know what was wrong, or maybe he needed to warn her. He sniffed again. She wasn't close but he could feel the tug of their bond. It was stronger than it had been before...before something. Ugh. He wanted, no needed, her here so he could keep her safe. Safe from what? He shook his head slowly. Why was everything so fuzzy? He threw back his head and called for his mate as long and loud as he could. The sound echoed around him. Somewhere nearby, a creature with a deeper tone answered his call, but his mate didn't. He called again. A couple of those lumbering four-legged beasts he liked the taste of - cows the term came to him - mooed back from outside the walls. There was a 'neigh' sound too. Still not his mate. He tried again. There was a crashing sound nearby, and a male smell - but not that of a wolf.

"What in blazes are you doing!"

'Duh' popped into his mind as he tried again.

"Stop that! You're going to wake up the whole block."

There was a faint ringing noise which made his ears twitch, then the male spoke again, "Doc, this is Matthew. Sorry to disturb you. That new wolf is howling like there are three moons in here. Do you want me to tranq him? Call Aiyana? It's the middle of the night. What's she going to do? You want me to put the phone up to the wolf's ear and let her talk to him? Really? I don't understand. The wolf thinks she's his mother? You're kidding. Okay, you're the boss. Yes, I'll call you back if it doesn't work."

More animals were responding to his call, but still no mate. She couldn't be that far away - not as strong as he could feel her. Maybe he needed to face a different direction. No, that didn't feel right - it felt closed off and his bond went the other way. He turned back toward the side that felt open and sent out another call.

"George or whatever your name is, what are you doing?"

He closed his mouth and sniffed. The male smell was stronger but it was definitely his mate's voice. She sounded odd though, and he couldn't smell her. He yipped trying to ask where she was.

"Why are you howling? What's wrong?"

Didn't she understand? He wanted her with him so he'd know she was safe. He howled again, but not as long or loud.

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