"Why do you have a copy of his prescriptions?" Tim asked.

"Tim, just-"

"I don't know Tim, maybe because I had to nurse him back to life a few months back?" Roy's eyebrow twitched up, "you know when none of you showed up to take the B man off him? What? It doesn't ring any bells?"

"I know, I'm sorry," Tim quickly said barely glancing at Dick's disappointed look.

"No, you see Timbo, you don't know, none of you do-"

"We do," Dick blurted out, "I mean."

"You mean what?" Roy's anger was all over his face.

"We know his heart stopped," Dick held Roy's gaze through the screen.

"I recovered the feed from the helmet-"

"You creepy little stalkers," Roy shook his head, "how many times?"

"Just once," Tim was so scared of what Roy had to say next.

"Then trust me, you don't know," Roy's face darkened, "and neither does he, so just zip it or I'm cutting off your tongues too!"

"What do you mean he doesn't know?" It was Dick's turn to be angry, "how could you not tell him?"

"He just knows he passed out and woke up 5 weeks later, I wanted to tell him but he didn't want to hear it," Roy snapped at Dick, "you don't get to give me your signature judgmental sanctimonious bat-look Grayson. Where were you when he needed you? It was hard enough for him to comprehend that it was indeed his so called dad who beat him into a coma; can you imagine what would've happened if I told him he was beaten to death again, by his 'dad' no less all for the life of a creep like Penguin?"

"He has to know," Tim intervened, "I mean, you should tell him."

"I'll tell him when he's ready to hear it, he'll decide when that is, not you, not you and not me," Roy crossed his arms around his chest, "and you, stalker bird, quit playing peek-a-boo she's too small."

"What do you mean?" Dick got confused, what did Harper have to do with this?

"There is a scar! I knew it!"

To the life of him, Dick will not understand how Tim got that from what Roy said.

"Leave it alone or he'll never tell you."

"So you know how he got it?" Tim asked.

"I know everything Tim, I'll be there in a couple of months, but for the time being, you need to take care of him, because he'll go weeks without sleep just to make sure she's really breathing while she's asleep," Roy hated that he couldn't be there, "I know him well enough to know he'll neglect himself, but don't over crowd him, okay?"

"Okay," Dick nodded; hating that Roy knew Jason better than him.

"Is anyone looking for Artemis and Bizarro?"

"I was but then there was the shit storm with Bane, and we were looking for Jay and then I found him and there's Harper, so you know," Tim explained.

"By the way Grayson, you're a fucking idiot."

"I'm sure you're right, but why?"

"Slade? Seriously? Out of every fucking creeper who could've found us, you go for Slade? You're so fucking lucky Talia has her hooks in him! What would've happened if he'd been the one to find Harper with him first?"

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