Chapter 1

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Jason's safe-house, Gotham

"Jason? This is Leslie Tompkins, call me back as soon as you can, it's very important, don't worry I'm not going to tell him but please call me."

Jason had been back in Gotham for 3 weeks and hadn't triggered any bat-alerts, this was his most secure safe-house. The message from Leslie was 2 weeks old on a number that Jason rarely used but usually always checked. He cursed under his breath, he loved Leslie and she wouldn't call unless it was important, especially after the public beat down he took a few months back. He called her from another number.

"Hey, what's up doc? It's Jason-"

"Thank God, I-I was worried, I saw the news and you just disappeared," <span;>her voice was filled with relief.

"If it's not a crow bar, you've got nothing to worry about," Jason joked.

"It's not funny, but anyway, how long do you need to get to the clinic?"

"20 minutes tops, is everything okay?"

"Come in a car not a bike, don't be late, and don't draw attention."

20 minutes later, Tompkins Clinic

"Doc?" Jason checked her office.

"In here," she called from the VIP room reserved for bat-fam injuries.

Jason started worrying, if one of the bats or birds were hurt and Leslie called him, it means something bad has happened or it was a trap. Leslie wouldn't lure him into a trap, right?

"What's going on?" Jason had all his guards up as he went into the room.

"No one other than me is here, well and her," Leslie was standing over a crib.

"Okay, who's she?" Jason asked walking to the baby.

"Isabel Todd," Leslie turned to face Jason, "your daughter."

"If this is a joke doc, it's not funny," Jason took a step back.

"It's not, this is Isabel Ardila's daughter, she came to me after you shot Penguin, she remembered you saying I knew everything," she explained, "she was scared because she thought you might've, well we all thought you were, again," Leslie choked on her words.

"Easy, doc, I'm alive and kicking," Jason reassured her.

"Well, she didn't know that, and-"

"Where's Isabel?"

"She passed last week Jason, I'm so sorry," Leslie said sadly.

"She what? How? Why- when?" Jason was about to breakdown.

"Childbirth was complicated, she left you a letter, she asked me to give it to you if I ever saw you again," Leslie handed him the letter.

"Why didn't she tell me she was pregnant?" Jason stared at the baby, his baby.

"I don't know, but she came to me, because she knew she might not make it through childbirth and she wanted her to be raised by you or someone you trusted."

"How old is she?"

"2 weeks, she's healthy and really strong."

"2 weeks old, she was born on april 16th?" Jason started counting.

"Exactly," Leslie nodded, "I called Alfred to ask about you, he didn't know anything, I didn't tell him about her."

"Okay," he nodded, the last time him and Isabel were together was on his birthday, she was already pregnant.

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