Chapter 16: The tournament rounds: The incredible Hisora

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Edori made her way to the stage. It was time for her match against Noburu. He had been begging her for a rematch ever since she and Myo beat him during training. Although his quirk seemed simple enough, the ability to stretch any part of his body, he was quite a formidable foe. Noburu had been training his quirk from a young age and managed to become top of their class in skills and technique before Edori arrived.

She made her way onto the stage as Present Mic announced them both. "It's the super stretchy Takuya Noburu against our elemental goddess, Edori Hisora."

"Present Mic sounds a little biased," Myo joked to Ito.

"Maybe a little," Kagayaku added with a smile. "But aren't we all."

"I guess you're right," she smiled at him.

As Class 3A continued to chat before the fight, some of class 2A was wandering around the stands looking for some seats. As Todoroki walked past class 3A seats, Myo noticed him. "Hey!" she shouted up at him.

Todoroki paused for a moment looking down at her before approaching.

"Todoroki right?" Myo asked as she sheepishly stood up and started to walk over to him.

"Yes," he replied looking her over. "Are you Memai? Edori's friend?"

"Yes I am. Would you guys like to seat with us?" she offered.

"Guys?" Todoroki questioned before noticing Mina, Sero, Kaminari, and others standing behind him and Midoriya.

"You didn't think you were the only one who wanted to watch Edori's fight," Mina laughed.

Myo smiled as she offered them the last two rows in their section before sitting back down beside Ito.

They thanked her and took their seats in the stands as the fight began.

Noburu smirked at Edori "I've been waiting for this rematch!"

"I hope I won't disappoint," she smirked back.

Noburu started off the battle by launching himself towards her with his elongated legs before reaching out to grab her with an outstretched hand. She quickly blasted him with a stream of water while using her air to slide out of the way. She positioned herself underneath him and shot up a pilar of earth right at him. He stretched himself around the earth and advanced for a counterattack.

"Woah, he moves pretty fast!" Kaminari shouted.

"Not faster than Memai," Ito added. "And Edori already beat her."

Myo blushed hearing her class rep compliment her speed before turning away when he casually brought up the fact Edori had beat her.

"Aw man, the fights already started!" Kirishima whined as he and Bakugou arrived at the seats.

"What took you guys so long?" Sero asked.

"Aw sorry bout that, Bakugou had to get checked out after his fight," Kirishima answered taking a seat.

Todoroki turned to look at them with a slight glare.

Bakugou huffed and took a seat beside Kirishima.

"Apparently most of Edori's fights ended pretty quickly," Midoriya pointed out.

Todoroki turned back to watch the fight.

Noburu had begun a relentless attack on Edori, trying to knock her out of the ring. However, she was able to block each one of his incoming attacks with either a shield of water or a gust of wind. Once his attacks started to slow, she blasted him with multiple streams of water and wind. Before he could catch his breath, she launched herself spinning into the air. "Water cyclone," she announced as she shot an intense blast of water and wind towards him, knocking him out of the ring.

My Hero Academia: Simply ElementaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora