Chapter 14: The tournament rounds: Edori vs Myo

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Edori ran to the third years' stage just in time to see the reveal of the matchups. Her first fight was going to be the last fight of round one. Myo's fight was right before hers, which meant that if they both won, they'd end up fighting each other in the second round. Edori was worried and turned to look at Myo, however, she was calm, almost happy.

"I get to fight you second," she said smiling.

"Yeah," Edori nervously laughed. "It's going to be a sick fight!"

They made their way to the stands and watched the other fights. Edori's first fight was against Cho Shirudo of class B. Edori didn't know much about her, except that she was the one fighting with Daiichi during the second event.

"Hey Ito," Edori called to her class rep who was sitting behind her. "Know anything about Shirudo?"

"Shirudo?" He clarified, leaning forward. "She's in class B, fairly loud and outgoing. Has been working with Edgeshot since second year. Her quirk allows her to create a force field around objects or people. Once the field is set up it can not be broken, however, with enough pressure the field can be moved and this action can move the objects inside as well."

"Kind of like a protective bubble huh?" Edori thought. "Okay," she smirked.

Myo glance over at Edori as she was thinking, not paying attention to the fights happening in front of her. Myo smiled, she thought it was incredible how Edori was already strategizing for her fight.

However, the second fight featured Daiichi, the moment he walked onto the stage she was immediately intrigued. "You said you went to middle school with him right?" she asked Myo.

"Yeah, we were both quiet and were kind of outcasts," she replied watching him looking at the crowd. "Although he is quiet and looks very intimidating, and his quirk gives him super strength, he's actually incredibly sweet," Myo said blushing slightly.

Edori looked over at her concerned. "So why didn't you two talk when you came to UA?"

Myo turned back to her with a confused look on her face. "I ah, don't know. Different classes I guess."

"Hmmm," Edori turned back to watch the fight but it was already over. Daiichi had knocked his opponent out in the short time she looked away.

The first round of fights went by quickly and before Edori knew it, Myo's fight with Tora was over and, it was time for her first fight. She quickly congratulated Myo on her win as she made her way to the field.

Myo's first fight was quick, both opponents had contact quirks, so they both planned on getting in close. The moment Myo touched Tora, she won.

Edori walked out onto the field as Present Mic announced them. "For the final fight of the first round, we have the elemental queen, Edori Hisora vs the protective Cho Shirudo!"

Edori and Shirudo stood on opposite ends of the stage, staring at each other. Shirudo stood smirking at Edori. "I'm not going to let you win!" She shouted.

"Begin!" Present Mic announced.

Quickly Shirudo put up a force field around herself. "Ha, how do you like that! You can't even touch me now!" she gloated.

Edori smirked, just like she planned. Edori quickly kicked her right leg up blasting an enormous amount of air at her opponent. The sheer force of her air pushed the force field back and out of bounds.

"Wow! And Hisora wins!" Present Mic cheered.

The crowd erupted as Shirudo stood there dumbfounded. The amount of force Edori needed to produce to push her shield out of bonds was enormous. The fact Edori could produce that in a matter of seconds with only one quirk was incredible. Shirudo was in awe.

My Hero Academia: Simply ElementaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora