Chapter 15: The tournament rounds; Bakugou vs Todoroki

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Edori had just finished her talk with Endeavor and was heading to the waiting room when she ran into Mina.

"Oh hey! What are you doing here?" she called out as Mina ran up to her.

"I wanted to see your fight!" she said leaping into a hug. "I caught the end of your match! You were amazing!"

"Thanks," she laughed hugging Mina back before setting her down. "I'm surprised you're not watching your classes' matches!"

"Yeah well, Bakugou beat Midoriya in an insane battle. Like it was epic! So now it's the finale with Bakugou and Todoroki and I wanted to watch it with you!" she exclaimed

"Aww," Edori smiled at her. She turned to look at the lineup for her matches. "I don't think I'll have time to run over there. After Daiichi and Ito, I'm up against Noburu."

"Hmmm," Mina said puzzled. Suddenly she got a bright idea. "They have TVs in the waiting rooms right. We can just watch in there!"

"You're a genius," Edori smiled at her. They both made their way into the waiting room and turned the channel to stream the second years' fights.

"Great! It hasn't started yet!" Mina proclaimed.

Edori sat down on the table looking up at the screen. She quickly pulled out her phone to see if she missed any texts.

"Who are you rooting for?" Mina asked taking a seat beside her. "Personally, I think Todoroki's going to win!"

Edori turned to her confused. "Is it even a question who I'm rooting for?"

"Yeah," she laughed. "I guess you have to root for Todoroki. But you've been training Bakugou for months now. Some part of you must want him to win?"

Edori turned, looking back up at the screen. 'was she right?' Edori asked herself.

"But from a skill level, who do you think will win?" Mina asked.

"I think Shoto has a slight advantage when it comes to power. Two quirks boast his versatility. Bakugou has a better understanding of his quirk and faster reflects. If Shoto only used his Ice it would be in Bakugou's favour. And honestly, I don't know if Shoto would use his fire in a fight like this. He's still not confident with it. So, he might be at a disadvantage if he doesn't use both of his quirks." Edori said trying to analyze their fighting style.

Meanwhile, Bakugou when heading down for the fight when he ran into Todoroki blocking the hallway.

"MOVE icyhot bastard, our fights up!" He snarled at him.

"Looks like all that training has paid off," Todoroki said as Bakugou tried to walk past him.

Bakugou turned, glaring at him.

"How did you break out of Shinsou's mind control?" He asked. "I don't expect Edori taught you how to do that?"

Bakugou's eyes widened, staring Todoroki down. "NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!"

Todoroki glared as Bakugou kept walking away from him. "She's mine, just so we're clear."

Bakugou stopped dead in his tracks. He quickly turned around shouting "I'M NOT AFTER YOUR DAMN GIRL!" before realizing what he said and dropping his angry expression quickly.

"Good," Todoroki said as he started walking past. He stopped right beside him and look Bakugou dead in the eyes "Because you don't deserve her anyway. She's too good for you, and I'll prove that by beating you," he said, glaring at Bakugou as he made his way to the field.

Bakugou growled watching him walk off. 'what right did he have to say he doesn't deserve her. What a load of crap,' he thought to himself, angrily walking down the hall. He suddenly stopped at the doorway, 'what if he's right. What if I am too weak for her?' He paused standing in the hall thinking for a moment.

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