Chapter 5: Strike a balance

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Edori was in gym delta practising her footwork on the balance beam while waiting on Kirishima and Bakugou to join her for training. It was now the third week of the new semester and Edori had been training with Bakugou and Kirishima every day after class since she gave her gymnastic lesson to class 2A.

On the first day of training, it was just her and Bakugou however, on the second day Kirishima came along with him asking for her assistance in training. She felt honoured and happily accepted him to join their training.

She noticed a huge difference in the way Bakugou acted with Kirishima around compared to just her. He was loud and easily set off with Kirishima, but he also seemed more relaxed and outgoing. Whenever they were alone, he was calmer and quieter, always seemed to be thinking about different things. It was quite interesting to her to watch the changes in their dynamics.

She heard the door open and quickly turned to see who it was without messing up her footing on the balance beam. It was Kirishima, but no Bakugou, which she thought was strange. They usually showed up together. "Hey, where's your other half?" she shouted with a smile as she jumped down from the balance beam and started walking over to him.

Kirishima waved to her. "All Might wanted to talk to him after class, he said it wouldn't take long so he should be here soon."

She nodded as she stopped in front of him. "Okay cool. We can get started without him then" she suggested, allowing him to put his stuff down. "Anything specific you want to work on?"

He put his bag down in the corner before looking back at her and thinking about her question. "Hmmm," he pondered. "I've been trying to build up my hardening so that I can be a brick wall during battle. I'm curious to see if I've built it up enough to handle your attacks," he proclaimed.

She eagerly smiled "Sounds like a plan." She walked over to a more open part of the gym and had Kirishima stand about 30 feet away from her. She waited for him to get ready before sending her attacks in his direction. She started light with just a stream of water.

"Is that the best you can do?" He shouted, teasing her.

She smirked and let out a soft laugh. "Okay then," she stated before sending a stream of water followed by a strong air current and multiple rocks in his direction. She watched as he withstood each attack without breaking his stance. She then sent a huge rock at him followed by some intense fire. That seemed to break his formation a little. "Looks like you've been training a lot. Your stance is perfect"

He smiled "It's all the balance training you've taught me." He was proud to get a compliment from her. She'd been giving them a lot of pointers and advice while training, but it was nice to see it actually pay off. "But come on. Hit me with all you got!" he shouted.

"Okay, here's one of my ultimate moves" She proclaimed before taking a deep breath. She widened her stance before launching herself into the air spinning while spinning she shot both water and wind at her target. "Water cyclone" she announced. The water and wind spun around each other before combining on their target.

Kirishima was launched 10 feet back into the wall behind him. "Damn" he exclaimed as he picked himself off the ground. "I can see why that's an ultimate move, it's super strong."

Edori ran over to him concerned. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to be that strong. I thought 35% would be good enough. Probably should have only done 20%" she anxiously said helping pick him up.

He looked up at her in shock. "That was only 35%" he was amazed, imagining how strong she could be when she gave it her all.

"We should rest for a bit, I'm sorry about that again," she said, softly smiling at him still worried if he was injured.

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