Chapter 8: Battle at Bespin

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"Good morning class," Midnight exclaimed as she walked into class 3-A. "I have a few announcements before we start today." Everyone immediately got to their seats and faced their homeroom teacher.

Edori sat at the back of the class directly beside the window. She liked that she could easily look out at the sky during class but she would sometimes get in trouble for daydreaming. Myo sat directly beside her and after their team-up during training, they became fast friends. Myo would try to make sure Edori didn't get distracted too often during class and Edori made sure Myo spoke up in class.

In front of Edori sat another female classmate named Tora Kakoku, her quirk gave her cat-like reflexes and incredibly sharp nails and canine teeth. She had short, messy reddish-orange hair and catlike green eyes. Even after a month of classes she still hated Edori and always tried to outdo her. She was very rude and cruel to Edori and most other students during their interactions.

Beside her and in front of Myo sat Arakan Ito, the class representative. His quirk gave him super memory, he can remember everything he's ever heard, seen, touched, smelled and tasted. He's a walking encyclopedia Edori liked to joke. He seems very disinterested in people. Myo described him as being the father of the class, always keeping every in line, which is why they voted him as class rep. He never has to yell or shout to get attention, he has a very monotone voice but an authoritative disposition. He has wavy purple hair, and soft features, fairly plain looking edori noted but very tall, at 200 cm, and he has black eyes which some of the girls find attractive and mysterious. Edori noted his look like a dark void which kind of unsettled her.

"After much consideration, the teachers have decided to allow the work-study program back for all third years," Midnight proclaimed to the class. "But it is your responsibility to get in touch with your agencies and organize everything, and make sure not to fall behind on your studies or else you'll be punished," she said slapping her whip against the stand before starting the lessons.

The bell rang signalling class was over. Edori was quickly sending a text when Tora turned around and stood in front of her desk. "I'm guessing you're going back to Endeavor's agency," She said with a snarl crossing her arms.

"Of course," She proclaimed with a smile sending her texts. "I've already got a mission planned for tonight," Edori said with a smile waving her phone in front of the other girl as she stood up and started grabbing her things to head to the café.

"Wow Edori, that's amazing," Myo said softly, smiling at her. "I don't know what I'm going to do," she said looking down.

"What agency did you have your work-study with before?' Edori asked.

"She didn't have one," Tora laughed. "No one wanted her after her poor showing at the sports festival."

Myo looked away, ashamed by what she said. Edori glared at Tora. "I'm sure you'll get lots of offers after this year's festival. You've become so much stronger. But before then why not ask Midnight for advice. Her quirk is fairly similar to yours anyway, I'm sure she'd love to help you," Edori said smiling.

"That sounds like a good idea." Ito chimed in. "She might have some good training suggestions for you too," He said grabbing his things before leaving for lunch.

"See even the class rep thinks it's a great plan," Edori beamed.

"Thanks, Edori," Myo said, grabbing her things. They both walked past Tora, not minding her glares and headed to the café for lunch. Edori was proud she could help Myo with her problem and help her stick up to Tora.

During lunch, Edori shared the news with Todoroki and the others. Edori was so happy to be going back to her work-study. Todoroki tried to be happy for her, even though the second years still couldn't continue their work studies yet.

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