Chapter Twenty Five

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Fahad's POV:

I was ecstatic for our parents to meet. It just promised me that this was actually happening. They were going to accept our rishta proposal and then I could legally marry Rubab. She would became my wife. The perfect begum to stand by my side. I was thrilled for this. Ammi was a mixture of excitement and nervousness. I could see it in her eyes. As we waited for someone to receive us at the door, abbu squeezed her shoulder gently and pulled her into a side hug to comfort her and lift her spirits. It was adorable really.

"Don't worry, it will go great." We rung the bell as I told one of the guards to open the trunk of the car so we could take out all the gifts we had bought for them. It was basic etiquettes after all. This was my future in-laws. I had already done the entire background research on them but I didn't need to tell them that. They can find out on their own. It would be fun that way.

When the door opened, I saw the familiar faces of my future father and mother in law standing at the door. At the same time, I heard ammi gasp and step back causing my heart to drop for a second. What? What happened? Why is she so surprised? As if that wasn't scary enough, Rubab's mother, my dear saas squealed as she stepped forward while covering her mouth. What in the world was going on?

"Zuleikha, is that you?" Ammi stepped towards auntie with wide eyes and an even bigger smile. She took a careful step and then leapt towards auntie when auntie nodded.

"NISHA! OH MY GOD! IT HAS BEEN SO LONG!" Ammi and auntie enveloped into a tight embrace while me, abbu, uncle and Sohail stared awkwardly in sheer confusion.

"You haven't changed at all! It feels just like yesterday that I saw you! How long has it been? I can't believe it!" Ammi held auntie's face in her hands and then hugged her again. Abbu watched with his mouth agape while uncle had a semi unreadable expression. Oh, so that is where Rubab gets it from. Yeh tou khaandani tofah hai. Humare bachon men bhi hoga. (This is a genetic gift. Our kids will have this too.)

Once, the excitement died down a little, ammi and auntie looked at each of us slowly. They probably felt like there was a need to give an explanation.

"Although, I still can't believe that you are standing before me but I am just glad for it." Auntie held unto Ammi's hand as she looked at uncle. "This is a very close friend of mine when I was in college. We lost contact in university because Nisha moved to Karachi and I moved to Lahore. I tried so hard to find you Nisha, you have no idea but back then, there was no concept of internet and your number was always off."

"Oh? Is this that friend of yours that you always wished to meet again? You told me she had wanted to become a psychologist." Uncle spoke up suddenly and I was surprised at how he knew my mother's degree.

"Yes, Aftaab, this is Nisha. Nisha, this is my husband, Aftaab." Auntie introduced them to each other.

"Oh? Aftaab? Isn't he that doctor you had a cru-" I watched with wide eyes as auntie elbowed ammi in the stomach causing her to laugh out loud. "It is wonderful to finally meet you, Aftaab. This is my husband, Zubair."

"Finally? Oh well, that is a story for another day, right Zuleika? And likewise, Nisha. I am glad to meet you too. Hello Zubair. Please come in." Uncle escorted us inside while ammi and auntie stuck to each other like glue. It felt like I was looking at teenagers. Once ammi sat down besides auntie, auntie looked at her with mischievous eyes.

"So? What is the deal with you and Zubair bhai? He is so your type. The tall, mysterious type. What's the story?" Auntie nudged ammi who just blushed and hushed her in return. Although abbu's attention was directed towards uncle but the way his face lit up at auntie's statement only meant one thing. He was eavesdropping on their conversation too.

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