mephistopheles grabs the incoming lucifero by the throat and holds his hand to his face, channeling his star mana

"This is the end, Lucife-" He's cut off by a hand going through his stomach as a demon with spatial magic sits in the corner with a smile on his face, putting his hand through a portal behind the king to injure him


Azazel quickly comes back with a huge attack


He gets his hand and covers it in molten lava before slamming into the wounded king as lucifero is next


Mephistopheles is slammed deep into the ground as the rest of the demons all hold them down as lucifero stands on top of him

"I see your wound is already healing" He looks to see the wound in mephistopheles's stomach already closing up

"This is why i had another plan installed" he says with a grin as all the demons put their hand on his hand as he struggles


Cold, dark lightning shoots out of their hands and into his head and he struggles to get up, unfortunately succumbing to the spell and sleeping eternally.

"Now" lucifero says as he snaps his fingers and a demon comes up to him

The demon opens up a portal and lucifero, azazel and the demon take the former king and hop through it to land on the moon.

"We were told there was a landmass from earth, we tried to invade earth from here but it seems there's a spell that doesn't let us even enter the atomposhere untill the tree is opened" Azazel says as they all began to put him on the ground as the spatial magic demon summons chains to hold mephistopheles down

"Anti magic, this should keep him on hold or hopefully here forever" lucifero says as he laughs but feels a sigh of relief when he gets back to the underworld

"Finally he's gone, he won't wake up for another lifetime hopefully" He says as he walks into the castle and takes his spot, upon the throne

After this, a child walks out of a room in the castle and walks towards them as they recognized as a demon with no magic, he was often bullied in the world by other children due to his no magic, something unheard of in this world

"Where's brother?" the demon child asks as lucifero smiles deviously

"He's not here right now, what's your name?" he says as the child responds

"I'm Liebe."

After this event, he successfully takes control of the underworld and ruled it with a iron fist, he killed off rebels instantly, he made developments in the underworld and he was a true leader to them.

It was a big mystery to everyone besides those who helped in the sealing of mephistopheles what really happened to him, the only answer anyone ever got was that he died in his sleep, although a rumor had gone around that a strong being was trapped on the moon....

In order to keep liebe with him and to not get suspicious of the death of his brother, lucifero lied to liebe and everyone, saying that an insanely powerful demon killed killed mephistopheles and they
trapped and imprisoned the demon on a landmass by earth called the moon.

"Someone who even killed brother, he must be powerful" liebe says.

After hearing this, Many higher ranked demons immediately took issue with this, saying it was a lie. Mysteriously, the demons who accused lucifero of lying, disappeared.

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