"I told him that I ran away. For him. For the baby. He didn't believe me. He didn't. It was so hard to make him believe. It was so hard." 

"I got him to marry me. I forced him. I told him that I will kill his heir. I would never. I had blackmailed him. I had to do something. I wasn't going to raise the child alone."

I nodded at her to show that I'm here for her. She took a deep breathe.

"Palvo looked for me for years.I had to change my name. I had to change my identity. My family was unsafe because of me. He looked for me until Kieandra was born and that's when Julio killed him with his bare hands." She closed her eyes before opening them again. 

"And after Palvo died, his son - Czar Nika has been after our family." I nodded as I finally understood what was happening between the Russians and Italians.

"Was that child Dante?" I questioned. She nodded. I got up from my seat and walked towards her chair. I gave her a hug and used comforting words to calm her down. In this short period of time I found out so much and I felt a small connection between me and her. 

I was about to talk back but Savannah interrupted. "Miss, Dante is calling both of you to the living room. We have guests."

Sierra wiped her tears before telling Savannah to get the food ready for the guests.

Me and mom both walked to the living room to see it was filled with everyone. Guards. Men. All the siblings. Everyone.

I walked in to see a space next to Dante to which I took. Everyone sat in their seats as no one spoke yet. I looked around. Sat in front of me and Dante was a young man who looked around the age of 23-24. He wore a suit and was surrounded by guards. He looked intimidating but not as much as Dante.

Kieandra sat next to Alessandro to which surprised me. They kept their distance but were still close. How did Dante not say anything.

Everyone sat silently until the man spoke. "Is this your wife?" His gaze turned from Dante and then to me. He studied my face and then my whole body. I felt a shiver down my spine. This didn't feel nice. Someone looking you up and down.

"Why don't we talk about us rather than my wife who is off limits" Dante's rough stern voice spoke. I was not surprised. He spoke like that often.

A chuckle left the man's mouth. He leaned back onto the couch as he stared at me a little longer. I could feel Dante's hands tighten into fists.

"Is she off limits? I think we could share h-" His sentence was incomplete because Dante had gotten up and held a gun to his head.

"Look at my wife like that again and the stick your Dad uses to beat up your sister would be the one I use to beat you up with." His voice was full of anger. I stared at the scene ahead.

Dante pushes him back onto the couch before sitting back at his seat. "As we were saying about the Russians-" Alonzo spoke in a serious manner. He normally joked around but I could tell he was pissed as well.

I watched and listened without a word.

"The Russians are after your wife" The man in front of me spoke. This drew my attention even more. Me? 

My brows furrowed.

"I know and that's why I called you" Dante sounded like he stated the obvious. I looked at Dante in confusion but he didn't glance at me. 

What was going on?

"Czar knows you're married and will do anything to ruin your life Don" Czar. That's what mom was talking about. She told me about the Russian leader.

Dante looked like he was deep in thought. Everyone stayed silent.

"Czar is one cruel man. Keep your wife safe before he does what any of you expect." The man points out. He was now serious.

"Once Czar finds out that Andonisia is the daughter of  Bernardo then he will kill her instantly." My mind was going more and more confused with the conversation going on.

"What are you talking about?" I didn't understand anything going on and I was waiting for an explanation.

"I'm talking" Dante spoke as a sign to shut me up.

"Dante tell me what's going on. Why am I involved."

"I will explain later, let me talk." Dante dryly spoke.

"No. Tell me now." I insisted.

"Go upstairs" He quietly spoke.

"Dante T-"

"GO UPSTAIRS" Dante screamed out loud which made me jump in my seat. He screamed. Again. I made him angry again. He didn't change.

A scowl was present on my face as I looked at him, "This involves me" Dante's head turned to me with a glare. His eyes. Black. He was stern. Now angry. He was going to scream again.

"Don't make me regret being nice to you" His eyes never left mine. He scared me now. I nodded at him before leaving the room in a rush. I ran up the stairs and banged the door shut...








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