Chapter 7

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"I have bought you here for one thing. And ONE thing only. YOU will bear my children. You will take care of my kids. If I can't get you pregnant by fucking you, I will hire the best fertility doctor and get my sperm inserted in you. I don't care how it will be done. YOU are going to bear my children."

He spoke with increased authority and power. My fear increased. I had no choice. At all.

All of a sudden me and him were both interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Is everything alright in there?" It seemed to be Alessandro at the door

"Dante?" I turned to Dante just to see him staring at me the whole time

"Dante open the door!" he continuously banged on the door

"Adonisia?" Alessandro questioned.

Walking in he stopped. There we were. Me trapped between Dante's leg and him with his hand wrapped around me.

Alessandro looked at me and then at Dante.

"What's going on in here" he spoke with concern in his voice.

I just stare back at Alessandro as he looked between us both. I still felt Dante's penetrating gaze on me.

I turned my head to him now looking at his face trying to see any emotion. He was emotionless. His expressions. I cant understand them sometimes. Sometimes he lets an emotion slide but other than that, his face is still and hard.

"Dante," Alessandro paused as he carefully took steps between us. 

"Move off of her" he slowly and gently spoke which confused me. Did he think Dante would hurt me? I mean I wouldn't be surprised if he did but still, it still puzzled me.

Suddenly Dante spoke, surprising both us and making us turn our heads to him. His back facing Alessandro.

"You came into my room to tell me what to do. Don't forget I am still your capo." 

His back was now facing me. I couldn't see  Alessandro because his broad shoulders were covering my view.

He was shirt less. I got the chance to stare at his back muscles as they tensed as he walked towards Alessandro.

"I came to make sure you weren't causing her any harm." Alessandro spoke to save himself from an argument with the boss.

"Who are you to make sure that she is harmless?" Dante questioned as he sat down on the couch opposite me.

He leaned back onto the couch as his arm leaned onto one of the arm rests. His legs opened and spread out. He looked good.

No. No. No. I cannot think like this. He is a monster. And monsters are not good. They're not good.

"I didn't mean it like that and you know that Don." Alessandro huffed accepting defeat.

"What did you mean then?" Dante questioned more relaxed but I knew that he couldn't be exactly relaxed.

I knew men in the mafia aren't relaxed. They are relaxed for the worst situations. Its their ego. Their power that makes them relaxed and carefree. Their intimidating figure that they use to get what they want.

I was stuck between the two. Standing awkwardly waiting for them to finish.

What time was it? I hadn't even checked the time and I don't think I can fall asleep again. I looked at the balcony it was dark but was getting a little lighter. My guess was around 5am. I looked around for a clock but did not see one.

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